Round 4 & 5 rewards

Any news regarding international investor packages please ? :face_with_monocle:
Invested in Round 4 about 7.5 months ago :thinking:

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Yes didnโ€™t get an answer on this Thibault and asked a few times. Here but also in other threads :frowning_face:

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Just noticed.

On the Investor R3 group description says โ€œInvestors in our Round 3 crowdfund (AKA the one that broke records)โ€.

Thereโ€™s no description for the Investor R4 group. How about:
โ€œInvestors in our Round 4 crowdfund (AKA the one that broke CrowdCube)โ€.


Check now. :slight_smile:

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even better than what I said :+1:

Can I please get added to the investor round 4 group?

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Never got anything from free trade :frowning:

I didnโ€™t get socks either

Same for me, I wasnโ€˜t added to the R5 group.

Hi @Freetrade_Team. Can I be added to the Round 5 investors group and get the round 5 badge, I seem to have missed out on the action. Cheers.

Any updates on the latest rounds rewards?

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Not got round 4 yet

Tell them in the in-app chat, I got mine years ago, got holes in the socks!