Russia and Sea Cables

What happens If Russia brakes the under sea Internet cables, does that mean the stock market will crash?

Do we have back ups, of back ups?, can satalites alone forfill my big ohhdah today.?

There are a lot of cables cross cross the globe, I can imagine we rely on just one?


Quite the contrary, we have many cables in many routes and if one route closes, youโ€™d often find another route through.


Too SHAY, Freetrade community this is what me myself and I was thinking, But I judt wanted to clarify. :slight_smile:

Same as why you should never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your cables and pipe lines like you diversify your portfolio.


True but I just wondered if they did damage or cut the major lines to the UK I should of said could the UKs satalites network handle our load until the lines were repaired.

I will be honest I seen it on Google trends the news that is and was boried so I posted :smiley:

We and the Americans have been doing this since the 1970s google operation ivy bells.

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Contrary to expectations, during normal times, cable cuts do happen - undersea or terrestrial for a variety of reasons - ships inadvertently anchoring or anchored ships drifting in bad weather, etc., That is not avoidable altogether. However, the good news is that with modern resilient & self-healing transmission networks and LoLa (Low Latency) networks, a cut could not impact the experience of most of the users - maybe a packet lost in a trillion or a missing pixel on your TV. Of course, it is a different matter if the customer is LSE or NYSE or a large corporate, etc., Those networks are built with North, East, West & South redundancies backed up by Active/Active distributed architecture. Without these kinds of networks F1 or other live sporting experiences or real-time transactions would not be possible.

Check out the map below for just one Telecom Wholesale providerโ€™s submarine cable network, who carry more than 25% of the global internet traffic.

On the second point - satellite connectivity:

  1. It cannot match the bandwidth provided by Optical Fibre Cables
  2. It is open to interference/solar flares/weather, etc.,
  3. The delay is significantly higher under normal working conditions. A Geo stationary satellite hop would cause a minimum delay of 240 ms. East Coast US to Singapore would need 2 hops and thus half a second delay. Are you ok with that? That would depend on what data you are exchanging - not fit for real time transactions. Even the low or medium earth orbit satellites would still have significant latency compared to Optical Fibre cables. The lower the orbit would mean lower satellite footprint and hence more hops to cover longer distances. The comparison is between around 30-50ms delay vs 100s of milliseconds delay. This is ok for providing emergency connectivity in remote locations not serviced by mobile networks.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to cost - are you willing to pay for 99.99% or 99.999% or 99.9999% uptime for your connectivity.

I think you can rest assured that you would never have to worry about a cable (submarine or Terrestrial) / network failure under normal conditions. However, you can use that energy to worry about application failures/system failures/your local broadband failure etc., Also, a submarine cable cut, in all probability, would not affect your access to LSE or services hosted in the UK as you would access it through the terrestrial fibre network within UK. If there were to be multiple submarine cable cuts simultaneously across the globe, you would experience delays not service outages.

To put it in simple words - if your local broadband providerโ€™s cable is cut, you can switch to tethering using your mobile data network. This would take a few seconds to a few minutes. This time interval defines your tolerance level. If you are attending a job interview, you would prefer to bear the cost of keeping both your home broadband and mobile hotspot on and set it to switch seamlessly between the two. However, if you are watching a movie online, you would wait for the home broadband to restore to continue watching and not spend precious data on your mobile.

Check the news section of this website to see the outages that keep happening.


Thanks for the information and the very long responce, much appreciated :slight_smile:

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Brilliant information @vsn thanks for taking the time to explain it well.

This feels like a far more interest subject than it looked like on the surface (pun intended) :wink:

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Really good write up! I also saw something and was shocked at how many deep sea boats etc work around the clock to maintain these cables. It does seem our worst fears happens quite often to these cables but silently get fixed.


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