Shipped in 2022 and your 2023 wish list 🚢

Top on my wishlist would be a dividend calendar in .ICS format that includes future dividend amounts


Agreed, or if that’s too difficult at least something you can export to Excel.


Agree, this would be amazing!


Yes, very good list of shipped functions in 2022 -streets ahead of where we were this time last year:just stock listed in the UK, US & Finland. I’d like to see French, Italian and Spanish stocks, then Australian. And the ability to buy a specific no.of shares. And a JISA . Great work so far . Seasons greetings !


Lisas, automated investing and a web portal are top of my list.

I’d also like settings options, such as mute all notifications, default to ticker instead of company name, and show stocks in pence rather than pounds.


Two years after launch, I think employer contributions into SIPP would be great (and also help grow AUM as others have mentioned).


My wishlist for 2023:

  • European expansion

  • More exchanges next to EU, US and UK (e.g. Swiss exchange)

  • Fractional Shares for all exchanges (EU, UK,…)

  • Crypto trading

  • Auto-investing based on pie % split.


+1 Exporting Portfolio Data

Auto invest dividends!!!:slight_smile:


JISA would be a big one and auto invest and probably more stocks honesty…


I’d like to be able to see a total cost for each of my investments. For some of them, I buy fractional shares with small amounts of £, so tracking my cost basis is a pain when there are so many transactions. Maybe we could get a monthly and a grand total?

Also, US ETFs, ready for when we can invest in them in the UK…

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Hi everyone :wave:

Thanks for all the feedback on this post, and hope you had a good one over the holidays.

Welcome to new members @RogerOfBombay and @gavinelli and good to see you again @JP1995 @citizen_of_now @Shilpa @Lee08015.

Rest assured we are reading all the comments and taking onboard what you want to see on your app this year.

More news to follow when we have it.


Not sure if anyone said but it would be good if you could click on a company and see how much dividends you have had from them in total and by years. I know we can go to activity then click dividends but this just shows all companies, just a thought as that makes it easier to track dividends by company and by years.

And p.s I would still like to see the graph change in the main page but I think there’s another thread for that.


Very top of my list.

Edit: Actually, fractional shares for UK stocks is a nice to have but tbh I can live without it.

Top of my list is being able to filter or view activity by individual stock.

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Being able to filter dividends by date and gains/losses by date as well.

Not expecting anyone to calculate my taxes for me but the filters to work it out myself is a start.

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Thanks for posting this, nice to see some activity from Freetrade staff on the forums, and an affirming list of everything you’ve achieved last year. As a customer, this was much bigger than I was aware of.

Things I’d like to see in 2023:

  • Auto-invest - this is in beta but I’d prefer it was not linked to bank accounts - you should be able to set up an auto-invest instruction on any stock - if there are funds it executes, if there are not funds, it does not. That can be separate from the bank funding for it. This would help to DCA in a large amount for example which you already have in your account while still serving the bank account use, without requiring completely separate bank account identifiers for each instruction.
  • SIPP Employer contributions - I’m currently maintaining a SIPP with HL just for this.
  • European expansion - quick and messy would be better than more delays here IMO - don’t wait to get it perfect, just push into other markets
  • Better filtering on dividends and actions in general - there should be some search/filter options here.

Things I actively don’t want to see in 2023:

  • Cryptocurrencies - dangerous due to regulators, and not likely to be profitable due to the falling market
  • More NFTs etc
  • Increase £25k limit - turns out this was far from necessary, and interesting example of customers demanding something which would be a waste of time

.lifetime ISA
.Non beta website
.Employer Contributions (Sipp)
.Total market value (See my total Value)

This is my list of needs this year.


The activity feed filters are an excellent addition.

If I could suggest a couple of further iterations. Filtering by stock would be great. A sub-total of what’s filtered would also be fab.


How long are we going to be waiting for jisa and employer contributions

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I was hoping freetrade would add a new feature in January but don’t think this will happen any time soon