Sovereign Metals - SVML

This one looks interesting.


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Anyone who has an hour to spare, very informative podcast from Sunday Roast. Covers Sovereign Metals, Blencowe Resources and Capital Metals.

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And this one covers just Sovereign and is just mouth watering!

I’m getting a bad case of the FOMO’s

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@Charlotte @Alex_B please can we add this?

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Hey @J4ckSt4yn3s we’ll look into this today.

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Thank you kindly :grin:

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@J4ckSt4yn3s this has been added to the app and will appear shortly. It will be ready to trade from tomorrow AM. :blush:


Awesome! That’s great thanks.

Now i just need to scrape some pennies together.


And I am in. Will start small and figure things out from there.

I’ve brought a small amount but I’d be lying if it wasn’t just off the back of @J4ckSt4yn3s excitement!

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That’s the spirit! Biggest Rutile discovery in the world and second biggest Graphite discovery in the world. No idea how far they are from turning that into producing money, but it sounds like a fun journey.

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I’ve made £7 today! can I cash out now and claim a free meal deal or is that not point?

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£7 wow, i wish i held on now, i sold mine earlier for £3.50. I put the £3 in scratch cards and used the 50p to scratch them. So i’m still up by 50p :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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Largest Rutile deposit in the world and second largest graphite deposit. How can this be anything else but a sleeping giant?


Shares suspended on ASX (Australian) at the companies request ahead of an announcement about expanded scoping study at Kasiya

I have a good feeling about this.

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You don’t request your own suspension pending an announcement for bad news.

Not sure why LSE has been suspended though.

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