Stamp Duty included in profit/loss


I did try the search function but only seeing people asking about their stamp duty.

I’m wondering if their could be a way to just have our stamp duty included in profit loss and maybe a separate section on your stock showing total stamp duty paid on the stock so then you could even deduct it yourself.

Having to honestly go through like 10000x buys to manually add up stamp duty is such a pain, so they even though you’re in profit on a stock are you really?

It’s things like this I think freetrade should focus on like ease if use features things that make it enjoyable and less of a head ache for customers and I can bet that many more would flock to a broker that just makes their life easier for them.

Example PlayStation on PS5 just done an update where you can see everything on the same page your controller percentage in a nice clear view, any downloads, your hard drive space used and what’s left basically everything I need to see and known without scanning through tons of different sections for me it’s the best update they have done since launch. Personal preference of course.

Thanks Freetrade, feel free to merge if I missed it. It’s been a long day. :slight_smile:

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I’ve voted for the idea, although perhaps also see other costs such as well.

That said, in the meantime you can see the annual totals in your annual costs and charges when you look on your profile page. You could also export your activity feed and open it into a spreadsheet.

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Thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

I has to be included, I mean why on earth isn’t it? Not including it means I have to work out how big my loss is manually :joy::sweat_smile:

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Yes pretty much this lol

Pretty sure it’s included. Whenever I started a new position I’m instantly in the red. I’m assuming this is the fx/stamp duty weighing it down.

This will be the spread, unfortunately it’s not included :sob:.

Case in point, I bought £X of TRY recently and the cost was £X but the profit / loss was based on the shares bought against the shares price, not the overall purchase :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yes I was about to say everyone on here has always told me it’s not included