This company makes hardware for the tech industry. Its products include motherboards, GPU systems and networking devices.
This stock has more than tripled YTD, it’s insane. It is now my second largest holding after Apple.
I went long on them with a speculative position shortly after a 2018 Bloomberg article tanked their share price without evidence.
Bloomberg actually doubled down on their spy chips story, without ever producing one of these spy chips in 2021.
I sold about half my holdings last year after thinking 20x was enough, but apparently not. The thinking is that everyone wants to design their own AI racks, and Supermicro are the ones to make it happen. I guess their ‘moat’ is less so than the chip companies, but it has generally been cheaper on a PE basis, but maybe not in the future.
Whoever bought this at yesterday’s all-time high is having a tough time, with the stock falling almost 18% just today
I exited my position at ~$900. I’m not entirely convinced of the AI golden age scenario, and as I said above, their moat is harder to defend than Nvidia’s.
Out at 800 for me. But ready to pounce back in if we get any more pull back tomorrow
Is there any other company building racks to house all the AI chips ?
Got in too late on this one. Whoever got in at the slow and level start did well.
Where’s the best to read about stocks. Just starting out?
I think NVDA has a moat, while SMCI relies heavily on a few customers, which could impact their business if some of them decide to change vendors.
I missed the $700 I was looking at getting back in at

Convertible @$1340 …
Still plenty of upside then
I thought NVDA would be the first stock split but now I’m thinking it will be SMCI
If it does we are gonna fly
Even more so they are now in the SP500
I think we’re definitely in an interesting era of AI. I expect many are scared about their jobs and the capability of AI. It seems to have endless applications it can feed into.butbyes I would of been wary as well like you and prob would at least take a good cut especially if you have held for a good amount of years.
I deleted my post I was replying to sonic about another company that went crazy but wasn’t on my fave list it was this company lol. I thought we were talking about another company when I was replying.
821.14% higher in one year Jesus
when you are not in the game its painfull to watch
all the money you left on the table
Well, i bought at $217 and sold in the $325, which turned out to be a very big mistake. Lucky it was only a small amount.
I do it also with all 3 companies lol
Nothing beats a vague recollection of looking at bitcoin around 2010, thinking you should buy a few and then giving up as was too weird and complicated
Yeah when I’m chilling watching something I always go to a stock and do the of I bought X amount then how much would I of had now etc etc
For me it’s a bit of fun but also lessons bevause it shows even if you had some in X amount and a wide array of stocks their is a chance that one of your stocks could go boom.
That’s why a constant drip feed each month etc is wise due to increasing those X shares to become XXX in the future, we’ll that’s what we all hope for isn’t it.
I’ve Initiated a SMCI position yesterday and trying to figure out what to do next, trying to avoid timing the market.
Some expect SMCI to behave in a very similar way as Nvidia and Broadcom (e.g. here), I’m not so sure.
Anybody buying or waiting for the possible dip after the split?