Synthomer plc 🧤 - SYNT

This firm provides aqueous polymers throughout a varied range of markets, used to enhance products such as textiles, paper and latex gloves. They employ 2900 staff and serve 18 countries worldwide.

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Got this as a free share, let’s hope for a 10000% increase :grinning:


@BodhiTree I do hope you are right and make a killing on this… Robbie the Naked Trader recently purchased 1,000 of these so you are in good company…


This company made loads of money selling latex gloves during covid. They have acquired a leading industrial glue company in the US. Pays a large dividend next month and goes ex dividend soon. Downside risk is profits might go down in the short term but long term this company is solid being around since 1863.


Wow from £5.40 to 96p some drop.

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Have I done a deal of the day? Reinvested with a dividend, avg price of my stock £3.03. My avg is now £1.76.

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That is one massive drop (34.75%) - and very unusual even in this market (in fact the worst drop on the FTSE250). Company dropped revenue guidance and expectations and indicated it would have to take measures to focus costs etc.

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I believe in the company, maybe I am nieve as I only started in stocks and shares last November, had a dividend payment didn’t know what to do with so I bought 50 shares and got a £9 dividend. Got some dividends today looked at synt and it was down 71% so I increased my holding to 123 shares. It is now offering a dividend of 18%, one can dream.


It doesn’t matter if you new or not. If you have taken the time to understand your company and how it makes money: well and good.

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Whether I did the wrong purchase or right purchase the market can only tell me with time. I feel buying at 0.89p then 24hrs later standing at £1.05 was a positive purchase.

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I agree. Gambling has two outcomes.


As far as I believe dividend payments have stopped till the end of 2023.

According to Dividend Max there is a declared interim dividend of 4p per share due on the 04/11/22.

You will find here that the dividends have been cancelled.

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Nice recovery rally going on.

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Good rally at close today.

Synthomer PLC - Disposal #SYNT Synthomer PLC - Disposal - Vox Markets #voxmarkets

Some debt will be cleared?

Continuing the discussion from Synthomer plc :gloves: - SYNT:

I invested £1500 in Synthomer last year. Shares were £22 each and I got 67 shares. But the shares suddenly went up and I was up £10000.
I tried to sell my shares, but they did not accept my sale request.
Now the shares are £2 which is 90% loss of my investment.
Is this part of the fraudulent activities on Freetrade?