Technology Minerals - TM1 - Share Chat

Not much happening today. The RNS has made no difference. Very little trading.

If it drops to 1p as offer price, it will trigger a lot of buy limits like last time !


Hope so I have a lot sunk in here. Won’t be buying any more. Would be good to be showing green though.


Below 1p now, not looking good! A disappointing week so far.

A lot of below 1p buy limit triggers occurred this morning. Which shows support. However with dilution and warrants issued it is inevitable the share price is under pressure. We need the RTO to happen asap and news about income streams to make the share price go North -IMHO.

I’d love that to be translated! If its only £133000 raised ( potentially) it doesnt seem to be a big deal.

Just can’t get my head round this stock at all :rofl:. After everything thats been overcome and we are now up and running not one but two plants (even though not up at 100% production) the company is slowly starting to generate actual income on the books and the share price is now lower then when we had no plants, no licences, no gate fee’s, no customer’s and no halo boxes.

I still have alot of faith in this company just wish the market would see the potential. Hopefully once the rebrand comes thing will hopefully fall into place with good news after good news and we start seeing a steady sp climb.


It’s the dilution and warrants holding it back - as soon as they are factored in and the RTO occurs we should be up and running ! :running_man:


I have real concerns here. I just tried to sell a few shares and get constantly rejected. Very worrying

After 2 hours I have finally made a trade.

I’m waiting to see if the prediction on lse of 0.065 comes true
If it does I’m going to change who i listen to.


Its well on the way! Depressing end to the week. I gave up looking at LSE


Well sounds like tesla sp is tanking by the sound of it so that will hit all ev shares and other related stocks… so probably why were taking the hit

What does this mean for me?

You currently hold one or more stocks that will be moving to our exclusive range on 16 February 2024:

Synthomer, Pensana, Mast Energy, Blencowe Resources, Technology Minerals

After 16 February 2024, you will still be able to sell or hold these stocks. However, you won’t be able to buy more of them unless you upgrade to our Standard or Plus plans, which give you access to our full range of 6,000+ stocks.

If you don’t have either standard or premium the you won’t be able to buy more shares, but will still keep the shares you currently have, and when you decide to not hold them any longer you’ll be able to sell them. So the only change for you is you can’t buy more.

The way this is going not buying more seems like a blessing. No news just a dropping SP. Hard viewing everyday

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I did see a you tube video about lithium prices etc and he thinks its going to be poor value for a few years before demand kicks in… so maybe its just a reflection on the whole lithium market

He estimates 2027 before it picks up😬oh well

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2027 was the year i said i would hold onto my Tm1 shares, no matter what they did until then.
I like to imagine it’s just ike a ride on the world’s most scary roller coaster, very slow going up, with some real rapid drops.
But at the end i will either be saying why the hell did i even get on that ride, or it will be now that is what i needed.


I am also in it for the long run.

Am so invested, that i am not willling to sell for loss.

Would rather ride it out and see what happens in a few years.

Definitely will not be buying anymore ever again.

So much potential but feels like a lame duck of a stock

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