An ISA is a wrapper around an account. anything inside that wrapper is tax free, that includes anything you add to it, and any gains within the wrapper. So long as its inside the wrapper its tax free.
Each year you get a £20,000 subscription allowance. a subscription is a contribution to an ISA account.
You can contribute (subscribe) to one of each type of ISA within a tax year, and the £20k allowance is over all accounts (not £20k per account).
there are a few types of ISAs
- Cash ISA
- Lifetime ISA
You can have as many ISAs open as you like, you cannot subscribe (add money/contribute) to more than one of each type per tax year.
so for example.
Today (21/22 tax year). You open a cash ISA with bobs bank, you’ve not used any of your allowance yet. you add £10k to this ISA.
You cannot subscribe to another Cash ISA this tax year. you can only continue to add money to the existing cash ISA (or you can transfer the cash ISA to another provider).
You also open a S&S ISA with Freetrade. You can add up to £10k to this account since you’ve already used £10k of your allowance.
You add £5k to your S&S ISA. You cannot add any money to any other S&S ISAs this tax year unless you transfer your existing S&S ISA. You still have £5k of your allowance left, so you can add money money to your cash or S&S ISA, or to another ISA type.
Next tax year (in a few days time). You lose your £5k remaining allowance as you never used it. You gain back a fresh £20k ISA allowance to add more money.
You’re S&S ISA stock picks magically increased in value to £25k from the original £5k you added.
Remember the ISA allowance its a subscription allowance, its about how much you can add to your ISAs. anything inside the ISA is already inside the ISA, the subscription allowance doesn’t apply. your £20k stock gains are all tax free and have no bearing on your ISA allowance
So you have £20k of your subscription allowance this next tax year.
you can do multiple things. You can continue to subscribe to your existing ISAs. Remember, if you contribute (subscribe) to your existing ISA you cannot subscribe to another of the same type.
You can choose to open a new ISA in this next tax year. so for example, you can open another S&S ISA and contribute to that. if you do so, you can’t contribute to your previous S&S ISA.
some other caveats exists. You can technically open multiple of the same types of ISAs so long as you do not add money to them.
if you want to change provider, you can transfer your ISA at any point, this is within the rules, and continue to contribute to your ISA in your new provider. ONLY if it is a transfer. You can’t open a new isa, sell your stocks, take the cash out, and put the cash in the new ISA. that’s not a transfer.
Hopefully that’s not to long and gives some examples…