Value of Freetrade Shares

The Share price for R5 was £0.84324 I believe; I believe the number of shares on the Certificate is incorrect; is this something to take up with FT or Crowdcube?

I think that’s the r4 price

Thanks - was looking at the SH01 form from 22 May 2019; assume R5 not filed yet. Just looked at CC discussion and R5 was est at 0.96 so about right.

It’s weird because on capdesk it says £1.425. I’m an R4 investor so not sure if the R5’s have access to it yet.

If another R4 or previous would like to check. That would be great :grin:

The amount of shares I have on Capdesk doesn’t match my share certificates.

Where do you see the price on capdesk? I only see a number of shares and a total amount invested. I realise you could work it out from that

all the numbers are correct on mine including the total number of shares from two rounds I invested in

I thought Freetrade add your investment in Capdesk? I might be wrong though

Doesn’t work on phone Dave just tried. Try click on the name Freetrade on your share page on desktop. I think that’s what I’ve did earlier.

@Jonny Yes they do well I had to sign up to capdesk initially also


From capdesk

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Ah, I hadn’t clicked the name, I see that page now. Not sure what the capital column signifies but I don’t think it is price per share

Ye I’m not sure either. I’ve only seen that the heading is capital. To be honest I got too excited at the 1.425 yesterday that I didn’t read the columns.

@Viktor could we have some clarification on the above graphic and the current share price? From either yourself or the team.


I think they’ve just multiplied the number of shares by a very small nominal value ( looks like they used 0.0000001) to get share capital. It doesn’t represent the real value.

All you can really see from that is that the A shares have the same nominal value as the B shares

You could be right there. Although I’d love if that was the price :joy:


Hi there, so does anybody know what is the shares value now (B type)? where can I check this from time to time? thanks!

As they aren’t publicly traded, there’s no real way of getting a current share price, all you can do is go by the price at the last raise. It was about 95p I think in round 5