Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD (Acc.) - VUAG

Hi @Windowtry1 :ocean: welcome to the community.

In short yes, you’ll see that in most cases an accumulation fund is more expensive than the distributing one as they reinvest without you doing anything.

No, reinvestment will be reflected in the share price (NAV).
As @NeilB mentioned it’s usually more expensive than the distributing version for this reason

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@NeilB it sounds like to me VUSA might be the better option lol

Thanks for the help @NeilB @J4ipod94


Are historic returns better on the acc. Or the dist including dividend payments? If anyone knows…

They should be identical


Maybe a bit of a newbie question but… why isn’t this ETF available through Vanguard’s own platform? I can only find VUSA (the distributing tracker) not this accumulating one: VUAG. Is there something obvious I’m missing or something I should be aware of when choosing this over VUSA?

VUSA distributes income quarterly while VUAG accumulates its income.

This ticker is similar to CSP1 in that it tracker the S&P500 but why is there such a differences in price?
what am i missing?

This article should answer your question.


Thanks the helped a lot!
So basically I would get the same return if I bought the etf version or csp1

Hi, quick question on this. If I’m from the UK and buy into this, will I be charged a FX fee? I’m only asking because it says USD in the name, but i’m fairly sure it’s traded in GBP?

If not, is there such a thing as a S&P 500 ETF which doesn’t involve a FX fee (not sure on CSP1 etc as alternatives)


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The holdings are in USD which is why it’s in the name, but it’s traded in GBP on the LSE. You won’t be charged an FX fee for buying via Freetrade.


Thanks so much for your reply. :smile:

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During what times is this etf tracking the S&P?

Because its only tradeable between UK trading hours does this mean it only catches the first 2 hours of the US opening and the rest is premarket?

Saw this shared on Twitter and got me thinking. I can’t find the answer to my question anywhere.

The ETF is always tracking the S&P. When the US market is closed it tracks out of hours pricing.

In other words a stock exchange is open during market hours to let you buy and sell securities. Outside of these hours the price expectations of the securities constantly evolve on news and events.

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So a market crash at 6pm US time means we can’t exit that position as the UK market is closed?

Yes that’s correct if you’re talking about this ETF. You’ll wake up the next day and the price of the ETF would have adjusted accordingly

Just realised I got that the wrong way round, I meant why is the dist higher than the acc?