Glad to help!
As it stands, multi-currency accounts will not be available as of day one. But @Viktor promised to release the roadmap soon after launch and hopefully, it will answer your question.
Glad to help!
As it stands, multi-currency accounts will not be available as of day one. But @Viktor promised to release the roadmap soon after launch and hopefully, it will answer your question.
I personally see myself starting with investing in some index funds as with those the earlier you start the game the better, normally. After that I may look into some stocks.
When it comes to Brexit and the index funds I think the main response from the markets has happened already. Now, it all depends on what the deal would be, as a no deal may get a very interesting response from the markets.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Dividend earning ETFs
Some time after launch, depending on a few factors e.g. what feedback we receive from you during the onboarding.
I wonder if anyone will buy STJ St James Place, a wealth manager now infamous for having high fees? (and somewhat the opposite of Freetrade, philosophically)
You’re right, some of the 0.5% is revenue. However that quote is taken from a thread where I was trying to explain that we do not add 0.5% to the FX rate, as we do not get the interbank rate ourselves.
Re @saf ‘s questions, none of it represents a hedge though - due to the way we do the conversion we’re not particularly exposed to FX fluctuations.
No problem, one of the downsides of such an active community is it’s very hard to read everything on here!