When and how do we purchase discounted shares from a rights issue?

Good morning all,

Aston Martin have diluted their shares and I have never experienced a Rights Issue before.

I held shares as of the rights ex-date (yesterday) and I have the following questions:

  1. When will I be offered the opportunity to buy the discounted shares?
  2. Will this be offered to me via Freetrade?
  3. If I sell my current position now, will I still be offered the rights to the new shares?

Any clarification would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Max

We have sent an update to all Aston Martin shareholders in-app.

Can you check your app to see if you received this?

If not, drop us a message on your app and we’ll get right back in touch with you.


The last message I had was that an update would be sent after the vote. Is this the latest message?

This is the last message I received too. I messaged them this morning so I’m waiting for a response

We’ll be sending out another update, as promised, hopefully today!

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