Aston Martin - What happened?

Am I missing something here? 2000% increase??? I’ve been watching AML for some time and accidentally came off my watch list. Soon after I realised it’s jumped astronomically!!!

Is this some sort of error as even a google search doesn’t report on the jump. Did AML do a buyback or something (if such a thing exists)?

It’s probably an error caused by the recent reverse stock split. It’s not actually doing that. Check yahoo finance etc.


This is the reason. There’s one or two others that had this issue. Freetrade just need to updat her graph

That is strange. Doesn’t give me great confidence in free trade updates. I’ve been looking at AML for a few months now where it was around £0.80 I’m early December apparently. However according to yahoo finance it was £1.50!!!

0.80 is ~ correct though. The split was 1:20, after that it was roughly £16.xx, which is 0.80 before split.
I think you got that 1.50 wrong and you actually saw 15.xx?!

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Yahoo finance updates to readjust past graph data to reflect the new price rather than the old. So the £15 price is the same as the 80p price when you take into consideration the future reverse split.


I had 115 shares with Aston Martin through free trade and now it shows only 5!! What is this company playing at ! I’m pretty unimpressed :rage:

It’s called a reverse split. You have 20 times less shares but they’re worth 20 times as much.


Probably took longer to type that message than it did to find your answer.
As a beginner I love researching and learning to try and improve. I went through a similar thing with chesapeake last year after their reverse split. Atleast you’ve lost your reverse split virginity now :+1:t2:


Thank you !

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I did a few google searches but couldn’t see any info. Iv only been dabbling in this for 4 months , i understand now ha


We all learn! Welcome to the forum