So I’ve been starting small and have transferred £20 to Freetrade. I’ve invested that in two ETFs, both of which have gone up in value slightly (22p up!) #winning
But… the portfolio graph seems to suggest that I’ve lost money (down 7p!).
Edit: @Freetrade_Team1, I’ve put this in feedback and ideas as it’s, well, feedback - but it’s come up with a vote button - is there a better place for this?
Don’t know if this is a newbie question and I’m missing something but if I look up the ishares S&P 500 ETF on the yahoo app (although the graph roughly matches) the price is consistently more expensive than on freetrade
Thanks for moving the thread Alex! Are there any early insights into the cause?
Interrsting thought on the conversion playing a part.
Not sure it’s the £/pence issue, but if it is that means the S&P 500 pictured above is being sold for 29p according to yahoo? Vs freetrades £22?
It doesn’t take a genius to guess which shares I am looking to buy first and I don’t know what amount to input to purchase!
Not yet, we’re still looking at a couple of options. But we’re aware that this is an important fix so we’ll make sure that we get the word out to everyone (here & probably through other channels too), once it’s sorted. It’s one of top priorities too.