I think it takes them some time to go through the waitlist because of the need for manual handling.
When I received the email I was asked a bunch of details. Then they have to verify those details. When the details are confirmed by you and them then they contact your other(s) service provider(s). There’s a lot of manual work involved and that takes time. And if they are getting sig ups by the thousands it’s impossible to go through the waitlist in a few days.
Relax. Your time will come.
May I offer a suggestion? Yes? Cool, thanks.
When you start the transfer process contact your previous provider after a week. Don’t wait 5 weeks to contact them as I did. Freetrade is the new kid in town and other providers need to update their systems to accommodate transfers to Freetrade.
As far as I can remember the details you’ll be asked are:
Name of the provider
Address of the provider
Your account number with them
Your name
The amount you want to transfer
Is it full or partial transfer
If you’ve made any withdrawals
That’s all I can recall
After these details are confirmed just sit and wait for a week. Then call your previous provider to confirm they have received the transfer request and are actually processing it. Be polite, kind and firm with the customer service representative. They are only human
You can find more on the details you need to provide here: