When are going to get all the UK Vanguard ETFs in the app? It’s been way too long.
With the upcoming European expansion, are you going to expand the European stock offering in order to best appeal to this new target market?
Which is the real situation about European Expansion in the 4 countries you selected? Are all of them in a waiting list, in a beta test or anyone has already done a full rollout?
Which is the estimated timeline for other European countries (e.g. Italy) to start using Freetrade? 2020? 2021?
Thanks! This is a great idea
- do you plan to introduce an App for the freetrade community forum?
- Can you explain how Freetrade makes profit?
2 questions:
1: what is the reason behind the insane growth? For how long is it sustainable?
1b, What competitive advantages can you uphold against more integrated solutions like Revolut? Many people say that the world is going towards integrated mobile wallets, where you can also invest within the same app. In such a future, how can Freetrade retain its position AND grow?
2: How much money are you loosing? When can you see EBIT profitability?
Good morning @adam and @Viktor !
First of all I would like to thank you for these AMA sessions. They are amazing. When I invested in FT I also invested in another Fintech company… I love them both but you’re setting a world-class standard for crowdfunded company-investors relation !
I have questions arround the incoming crowdfunding round and especially FT’s valuation. You announced, somewhere that you were expecting to raise via crowndfunding in spring then raise a Series B later this year or early next year.
What’s the process for setting this round valuation with regards to the future VC round ? Have you already started talking to VC in order to have an idea of correct valuation ? Will VC invest at the same valuation at the end of the year than normal people in May ? Is there a risk that this crowdfunding valuation be too high a price for a VC ? To summarize : how do you manage today’s valuation vs VC’s expectations in the near future ?
Many thanks
Could you please share how much will the EIS allowance be for this crowdfunding round?
Also, how will you ensure the existing investor priority in investing? Will you send out emails with a private link or will Crowdcube send as a notification through their platform?
Just to quickly confirm, we will send out a private link to your email address and through the in-app chat as well if you’re a customer.
Please can you confirm if you will be introducing the option for investors to purchase individual shares? I’m currently on the beta and it’s become difficult to purchase single US shares. I’m noticing that when I’m making a purchase I can easily end up with 0.9992 or 1.0001 due to the exchange rate.
Why did Freetrade decide when designing the app or setting up it’s relationship with drivewealth that customers should not be allowed to buy specific number of shares?
Do you foresee in the next 12 months a patch being issued to re-create this option?
I’m worried of a flood of negative reviews on the app and a large amount of ridicule from competitors, or worse the national press. Is there anything you can tell me as an investor to alleviate my concerns?
You always bought shares for an amount, and not a specific number of shares. I’m in the beta, still buying shares for an amount (and I end up with a fractional share on top of my whole shares).
So, the only difference is, I don’t have to think hard what I spend my leftover 17p on, after buying whole shares only.
Do you plan on increasing headcount, specifically marketing, after the next crowdfund?
What’s the business model now? How do you plan on making money going forward? I presume ISA fees are not enough.
@Rollingskies has a very valid point, why can’t you buy a specific number of shares rather than just inputting a value? Personally I thought the 17p thread was a piss take when I read it, and it shouldn’t be used as justification for implementing fractional shares in such a heavy handed way.
So my question: how much external user feedback have you taken during the process of designing the fractional share functionality?
That’s confusing. Fractionals were requested before Freetrade onboarded the first customer. So definitely a long time before the 17p thread was created. Source.
Even if that wasn’t the case. It’s confusing why a thread on dropping your last 17p has led to implementing a universal £2 minimum, when previously this minimum didn’t exist.
Thanks for doing another AMA.
Q1: What specific improvements/features would you like to see on the Insights page by the end of the year?
Q2: At last AMA we had a sneak peak at ‘Alpha’ account features (if I remember correctly, limit order types). Can you give any more details on features?
Q3: You always have a fair few roles on the jobs board - is this a result of fast growth or slow candidates (so to speak)? Are there growth areas you are excited to work on, but just can’t find that right person to drive them?
I’ll attempt to summarise discussion points - if no-one has already volunteered.
Kudos to you guys for being so transparent with the community. Keep the good work up! My questions:
- What do the current unit economics look like? Is Alpha/Premium a necessity to go from negative to positive unit economics?
- Do you still plan to launch France in 2020? Will you offer a PEA upon launch?
- Can you share some user figures about Ireland & the Netherlands?
- What is currently the most important acquisition channel?
- Why did you choose doing a crowdfunding round before a VC round?
- Where do you see FT in 3 years in terms of # users?
- Can you share data about the current state of FT: # users, trade volumes, avg amount held on the app, retention etc.