Amazon’s moving into the territory of delivery firms in the USA - shipping anything for anyone, not just Amazon orders. Those companies should be worried. Royal Mail shareholders are a brave kind anyway given that the company is saddled with having to provide universal coverage and make unprofitable deliveries to remote locations. It’s a millstone round their necks and an obvious reason why even the USA hasn’t privatised their national mail service… but I digress.
I imagine Amazon’s growing logistics wing will one day be spun off when the already overdue break up of the company happens.
“Alexa, my company doesn’t pay me enough to live on, they work me to death, I can’t pee when I want to, taxpayers have to subsidise my wage so that I don’t starve to death and I barely feel alive… please give me some drugs so that I can have a temporary escape”
Star Trek fans might think that Amazon are just using weed as a stop gap until they can give their workers ketracel-white to ensure worker loyalty and docility.
Thanks, I could see it being useful for people who want to check on their home while away, actually. It’s either that or an internal camera system. I personally wouldn’t want either.
There are so many possibilities for this such as security, monitoring pets or ill people, checking you turned the stove off, playing when drunk etc etc That’s why I said 2nd or 3rd gen as by then it will have many new possibilities not thought of yet.
To be honest that looks sort of like a solution looking for a problem, a bit like home 3d Printers. I can’t see that many people actually wanting or needing one other than as a gimmick
I don’t know but my neighbour is elderly and his wife bed ridden so he can’t go out unless nurses come around which is expensive. With this he could potentially go to the shop or garden in a relaxed manner more. Like I said a few gens later it may do more.
That’s the gimmick angle, I think the number of people who actually need one is pretty small. I can imagine them gathering dust in the back of a cupboard in a few years
Don’t underestimate the amount of people who buy expensive things that gather dust in the corner, thinking exercise equipment. Mentioning dust, if they made it a vacuum as well it would suddenly be much more practical. Add in arms in a couple gens and suddenly it is practical.
I’d bet a huge amount of people would buy it simply to say they had one anyhow.
Funny thing about these stories about working conditions and pay at Amazon suddenly the media are saying people leave care jobs and other to go to Amazon now. How bad have the employers been for staff to move there if it is so bad?
They pay a lot better than most warehouse jobs in the UK, 4 days on 3 days off, lots of benefits like health care and shares, plus 31 days holiday a year which is good because you only work 4 days a week so you can actually have 2 months of a year. This is in the UK don’t know what its like elsewhere. It is extremely hard work though compared to most similar jobs. I worked there for 3 years and ended up hating it but regret leaving now as you can earn quite good money if you do overtime which is time and a half for the first 10 hours and then double time after that. The British press hate anything that is successful, people, stars, football teams etc they always look out for anything negative to make the most out off. Not saying there isn’t problems with the way they operate but they really are not as evil as our media likes to portray them.
TBH I spoken to a Friend of mine about it (He used to work there) - He mentioned they will work you like a Dog, Forget to Pay you & Show little Respect