AMC Entertainment - AMC - Share Chat

isnt the gamble that you buy a $1000 put option when the price is at or above $1000? so that it gos into the money as the price plummets?

also i believe most apes are steadily taking out their initial as the price rises, so at the astronomical price levels most people will be playing with excess money

Yeah, but premiums are higher with volatile stocks, so they would still charge you a lot for it. You would need to be sure on your timing to come out on top. You’d need to know when to buy the option and what strike price to buy. and that would not be easy.

Not saying it’s impossible, but I think you’d need to get it just right.


thankyou for explaining that. It is possible but highly risky and hard to pull off.

But how do you know this? Ortex? This is delayed by 2 days, and the short interest the last time it hit $70 went from 18% to 10% in the blink of an eye.

I think most peoples issue with the whole “DD” thing is around this issue. The DD being referred to claims there are lots of synthetic shorts and the ortex number is under reporting the truth. So how do you know when to sell if you have no mechanism to make good decisions?

It’s problematic.

I think this is why people are saying this is closer to gambling than not. When all is said and done and the shorts have covered there are going to be a heck of a lot of bagholders.

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also if naked short positions do exist with amc, apes could wait till all the legal shorts have covered and then sell only for the price to skyrocket again as the naked shorts buy the dip. unless the naked shorts buying fills the sell orders of the apes at moon prices, that could happen but its very unlikely to imo

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I feel that your arguing the point I’ve made a few times now :sweat_smile: yes doing your own DD is important, I’d encourage everyone to do that. But I also said there’s a lot of smart people on Reddit that do there own too and a lot is reliable.

…So what’s your point :see_no_evil:

My point was clearly articulated in the very post you replied to, in the paragraph starting with “My point is”. You seem to keep repeating that we’re in agreement, and yet continue to ask me to expand what I’m saying.

Can we just agree to stop this pointless back and forth? I’ve sold my shares already anyway and I honestly don’t care what you guys do. If you make a good profit, good for you. If you lose out, oh well. :man_shrugging:

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yeah i agree data about the number of shorts is problematic as once its released its instantly old information. however as shorts cover like from 18% to 10% more of the available float goes to apes, so its harder for the shorts to cover in future, bringing the price higher. even though it takes time for the short interest data to be shown on ortex, a rapid upward move in price with an already low short percentage should tip off everyone to the fact that the shorts have finally covered, most apes follow some influencer or data from ‘experts’ anyway so these people should see the movement correctly and give the nod to sell. i know that if the short percentage goes low enough and i see a huge spike upwards that itsll be time for me to depart, theres no price level attached which would make me sell though

A where did that big drop come from??

ralf exited their long position rip


I’d say people selling but I could be wrong

why/when are you planning to sell out of your long position?

and who do you think will fill your sell orders?

After all the weeks of HODL which has been done by many, it seems odd to sell for a quick profit, when there is so much potential for much more money.
Oh well, each to their own.

  • How many shares do you own currently?
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-30
  • 30-100
  • 100-300
  • 300-1000
  • 1000-3000
  • 3000-10000
  • 10000+

0 voters

  • How much of your position would you need to sell currently to recoup your initial investment? (i know the price is volatile just answer dependingon the price at the moment you see this poll)
  • 90-100%
  • 80-90%
  • 70-80%
  • 60-70%
  • 50-60%
  • 40-50%
  • 30-40%
  • 20-30%
  • 10-20%
  • 5-10%
  • <5%

0 voters

could one or more of the amc whales (10000+ shares) please share their opinion on this short squeeze play, is there a particular price which would cause you to sell or is there anything else which would trigger you? short percentage at 0 or maybe something more obscure. let us know

I’m honestly just playing it day by day, it depends on how well other apes hold as to how high this can go. We know the hedgefunds have to cover but it’s impossible to know how high it will go, we only know how high it could theoretically. There’s a lot of different things that could change how this plays out. Personally I’m not selling 1 share until I actually cash it all out. No I would never do this with other stocks only this one as I genuinely feel it’ll pop off a crazy amount. I’m not bothered about covering initial costs on this play. Some will call that dumb but I am an ape haha :joy::gorilla:

People talk of 100k I think that’ll be hard with how many will paper hand. Whether it be soon or not I think it’ll get in to the thousands though. I say that because people got wise to the fake squeeze on GME that killed it off in January. I’m hoping more will be aware how they can cause the illusion of covering whilst actually not doing…that’s just me


You have 10,000+ shares?

  • I answered the previous poll honestly
  • I’m a naughty fibber

0 voters

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great comment thanks man, i believe many apes hold the same view as you, and to add to your comment on illusions, if apes are holding >80% of the float, how are we seeing 200-300 mn in volume daily? unless there are naked shorts in existence. unless im mistaken, if so call me out

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The numbers I’m seeing from Fidelity show a 50/50 Buy Sell ratio for AMC over the last few days. This thread is evidence also of selling and trading by quite a few