AMC Entertainment - AMC - Share Chat

fair enough

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The reason for my poll, BTW, is that I honestly donā€™t believe anyone with 10k+ shares is using Freetrade. Not least because it would have been a hassle to even buy that many shares with the per trade limit, and knowing the risk this might cause when selling after a massive rise, they would have been far better off using a broker with a flat fee per trade from the start.


noone with 10000+ shares would stick around for the eventual 0.5% fx fee when they go to sell

And if youā€™ve got Ā£600,000 sitting there and youā€™re waiting for it to hit Ā£10,000,000, I actually think youā€™re a bit stupid for not cashing out


That or heā€™s hoping to actually buy his own space rocket. :joy:


power hour time


You can have a large volume even with 1 share being sold back and forth (Iā€™m not saying this is really happening, but you get the point). Volume doesnā€™t prove synthetic shares.

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yeah i understand that but thanks for explaining further.

But if influencers or ā€˜expertsā€™ as you say give the nod to sell there will be a stampede. To me this is the dirty little secret of the AMC/GME situation. If only 10% of the free float has been shorted, and ā€œapesā€/retail own 85% of the free float, even assuming if the remaining 15% institutional investors donā€™t sell, that leaves 75% of retail investors being left as carrying the bag?

This is why within the collective psyche of the apes, synthetic shares HAVE to exist. If they donā€™t exist a lot of people are going to miss the boat.

Now to go back to the top of what Iā€™ve said, I think most of these influencers have publicly said that they will not announce when they sell. Let that sink in. They are going to make sure they get out before everyone else does.

To be clear though I still own a lot of shares in AMC, and I hope it continues to go up. But I really dislike the whole culture of ā€œdiamond handsā€ and mocking ā€œpaper handsā€. I know this is obviously an exaggeration, but I really do worry that at itā€™s worst this is far too close to a Pyramid Scheme - A whole load of influences - the 10% who are going to bank serious $ when the time comes - and the rest of the people at the bottom of the pyramid who are the bag holders.

In my view here is no way 10% of the shares donā€™t get sold at $300-500, I donā€™t see how it can possibly go any higher, the only way it can go to ā€œthe moonā€ is if people donā€™t sell. They will.


Where you asking me? I was answering rowans earlier message along with the latter. I opted for between 1-3k shares. How many do you have?

You make a really good point here. If apes own >85% of float then thats equal to about +425mn shares, whos going to buy +425mn shares at all time highs. quick answer noone

although back in january people were wondering who would buy if it went to $20/30/40/50/60 and here we are buying at those prices


From an outside POV I see why people would think that but from what Iā€™ve heard there will be a point where there systems (or computers) will be filling there orders for them. Meaning whatever price it is at will be getting accepted. I also heard stuff like itā€™ll be harder to sell at higher amounts though. Just have to wait and see what happens. Donā€™t know if that helps maybe made it worse lol :man_shrugging:t3:

When hedgys cover there Fā€™d becuase they canā€™t choose what price to buy at, they just HAVE to get shares ASAP thatā€™s why they will be filling whatever the price is

Your answer was directly after his next question. It didnā€™t link the one you were replying to, so it looked like you were answering his question about 10,000+ shares :+1:t3:

I donā€™t have any now, there wasnā€™t an option for 0 unfortunately else Iā€™d have clicked it

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Ohh Naa he asked where Iā€™d sell which was a question in his second message for 10k plus share people. I can see the confusion lol

I was going to beg you to just do the sensible thing and sell up and sail away with 600k :joy:

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Haha :joy: if I had that much Iā€™m guessing 600k would be like spare change to me lol

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so youre planning to sell as the shorts finish covering? because if you wait till the big 0 short percentage figure, the data confirming that will be 2 days old, so people will rush to sell and the price will plummet. at that point there will be no shorts left to cover and so there will be noone filling sell orders. so you must be looking to sell before all the shorts have covered

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I still have my 180 shares left :joy::woozy_face: since I sold my other 200 at 40 dollars ish itā€™s not been as fun as I canā€™t lose. Preferred the excitement off the loss or the win. Now Iā€™m just always Ā£2.17k up with 180 free shares. If Iā€™m honest I donā€™t check as much as I used to. What would I cash out at? If probably sell 80 at 347 dollars to make 20k to put in the kids savings. The. Save the 100 for the future and see what it goes to


Have you got some examples of where that has happened to shares in the past? So I can do some research? Not including Volkswagen if possible.