AMC Entertainment - AMC - Share Chat

Update for options expiring this Friday if we can break $70 mark over 29 million shares could be bought.We hold above $40 over 9 million shares could be bought.


Very interesting

I donā€™t get whatā€™s so exciting about that. Sure 9 million shares will be bought by the options holders for $40. but the majority of those options are probably covered calls i.e. the option seller already owns the shares.

I actually donā€™t think its so exciting as I donā€™t see it hitting $70.People are talking about the option tradeā€™s causing a gamma squeeze which inturn would cause the short squeeze.Yeah I believe it will stay above $40 but 9 million shares aint going to move the share price.By the way I know shit all about options so was hoping people with some knowledge of options to say whether that was good or bad for the stock price.:innocent:

Iā€™m still waiting to come back in at $8 :wink:

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Is it bad that I spend most of my days looking forward to the market opening :joy:

Down 4% in pre

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Not a good start

Why did my previous 2 messages get flagged for? Iā€™ve not said anything bad. Weird.

Wow man, thatā€™s petty. I guess too many emojis

Probably, the excitement getting to me haha!


Hey Mohammed, weā€™ve been advised by compliance to monitor spam-like posts, thatā€™s it really. Iā€™d advise minimising the use of too many ā€œto the moonā€ type posts. This is to keep the thread aligned with the general forum rules and guidelines if you know what I mean?

We know thereā€™s lots of excitement here, we donā€™t want to be party poopers but of course, we have to remain compliant and keep the forum as a space for discussions and learning :+1:t5:



Doyin, it isnā€™t an open forum if there is to be censorship of posts for no other reason than it not aligning with some peoplesā€™ views. Which guideline in particular did this post breach may I ask?

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Iā€™ve seen so much price target sharing and buy/sell recommendations throughout this thread yet a few emojis is enough to do what? Convince someone to sell the house and buy AMC? This place sucks a bit at times as those running the forum donā€™t seem to know how to and those participating are at times attempting to pick up the slack.

Either hire some proper mods or incentivise someone to do it properly please.


One shouldnā€™t have to provide balance to oneā€™s opinion.

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As mentioned above, weā€™ve been advised by compliance to monitor spam-like posts which are stated to avoid both in the community rules and guidelines. Community rule number 4 and the last bullet in the guidelines to be precise.

100% this is an open space for discussion and learning, with rules and guidelines to comply to in order to keep the space serving its positive purpose.

To clarify, the team may remove or lock posts at their discretion and without notice.

This is how it works, unfortunately - but hopefully fortunately for most :slightly_smiling_face:


Big shorting going on with AMC at the moment. We wonā€™t be deterred. All you have to do is hold. Do not panic.

It was expected that this would happen after yesterday.

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Iā€™m reading itā€™s a fake sell off. Iā€™m like ok Iā€™ll buy more thanks :joy:


Good ape! Buy more shares at a discount. Hurt them even more. It was expected that they would use their dirty tactics.


higher highs, higher lows, comeon technical breakout

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Was hoping to be rich before the euros on Friday, Dreamā€™s shattered :pensive::joy: