I have tried to access the new laptop version of FreeTrade and got this:
Confirm it’s you in your authenticator app
Please input the 6 digit verification code to confirm your login.
How do I find the authenticator app?
I have tried to access the new laptop version of FreeTrade and got this:
How do I find the authenticator app?
Hi, you would have set up the Freetrade logon with an authenticator app when you first registered with the Freetrade website.
i.e. When registering on the website you would have had to specify a username, password, register with the authenticator app and then enter the 6 digit code from the authenticator app.
Do you have a Google authenticator app or equivalent installed on your device? If so, check on that app for an entry for Freetrade.
Hi @Dick,
The authenticator app is the app that you have chosen to use as two-factor authentication.
This could be for example Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator.
This apps generate 6 digit codes that change on a time basis (every 30seconds).
Thank you for trying to help me – greatly appreciated. When I opened my FreeTrade account a couple of years ago I simply used my Apple iPhone with face recognition. I definitely didn’t use or need an authenticator app. I have just tried to set up the Google authenticator app and they wanted to charge me £36 annually for it. Is that the only way to access the beta version on my laptop? When FreeTrade emailed me offering the beta version I got in to my account without needing an authenticator – very strange!
You are welcome.
So currently I believe that the “new” Freetrade web beta is only available to customers on a paid plan (I guess that might change in the future once its out of beta) based on Freetrades’ website (Compare our plans | Freetrade)
You only need the authenticator app for accessing the web beta and not the mobile app.
Hi @Dick - the authenticator step is an extra security measure we’ve added to the new Web version to further protect your account. You will still be able to use face ID to login with your mobile app, but Web has this additional step.
The Google authenticator app is free, so should not be trying to charge you. Please could you check that the app you’ve downloaded is the official one (the app name should be “Google Authenticator”, and the publisher is Google) rather than a sponsored ad?
Once you enter your password for web, are you shown a QR code, or taken straight to the “Please input the 6 digit verification code to confirm your login” page? The screen before the 6 digit code entry should be the one to scan with the authenticator app.
Feel free to message me directly my clicking on my avatar > message if preferred
Yes, I am on a paid plan and I pay annually as it is cheaper. I will speak to my IT people to see whether there is any alternative to a paid authenticator app.
Thank you again!
As Damon mentioned above, the official authenticator apps from both Google & Microsoft are free to download and use - so just make sure you are looking at the official authenticator apps and not a dodgy third party one.
Here is the link to the Authenticator app
Thank you Mohammed!
Many password managers will also store 2FA codes for you and autofill them. Not as secure as having them separated but super convenient.
Thank you Fryry!
On 212 I used Authy. The Google one didn’t work for some reason. It may have been Google had a different email address. So as long as you are using the same email address the Google one will probably work. If not try Authy.
Thank you!
A while back, I had access to the web version of Freetrade, but I don’t remember setting up Google or Microsoft Authenticator app for it. Freetrade is not listed in any of the Authenticator apps I have. How do I get a QR code to set up the Google Authenticator app?