Ben's Creek Group - BEN - Share Chat

BEN is a beast, Thungela is a beast, here is just hoping Contango also becomes a beast.

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I need to have a proper look at Contango. Iā€™m delighted with BEN and know from the Telegram group that a few investors there also have CGO. I donā€™t know much about the company yet though. Any insights to share?

Contango Holdings - CGO - Share chat

Thereā€™s some good information in the forum link for it already.

This is how i see things.

When Thungela was listed it was already a fully function mine when people wanted nothing to do with dirty coal. Since then itā€™s gone up 1000%.

When BEN listed it was to buy and reboot an abondoned metalurgical coal mine and was producing in a matter of months and has since gone up 800%

Contango (cgo) is a little different as it started from scratch. But at the start of this month it has started producing and stockpiling for when its washplant is ready which should only be a matter of months.

BEN was lucky in the fact that it got an offtake agreement almost as soon as it listed and the offtake company didnā€™t care that the coal was unwashed so the money started coming in really quickly.

Things could go the same way with CGO in that they could get an early offtake agreement for when the coal is ready or even if itā€™s unwashed, but my hope is that even if it takes a few months things will happen.

My only worry is that with coal having such a resurgance whether itā€™s metalurgical coal or thermal coal, i donā€™t know if things will turn against it in terms of it not being the green future people are banging on about.

As always ā€˜do your own researchā€™ but iā€™m in this for the forseeable future and plan on topping up every chance i get. Iā€™m currently 16.66% down, and happy about it as i donā€™t like to put money in stuff when itā€™s in the green.


Thanks. Thatā€™s very helpful. I will check out the CGO thread. Iā€™ve found and joined the Telegram a while back but havenā€™t joined in yet or paid too much attention to the chat in there.

I will certainly do some research but it seems promising, and several people whose opinion I trust seem to believe in CGO as much as you do.

Do people have an exit strategy for Ben
Iā€™ve seen some say 150 may be the top end or are you invested for the long haul
Iā€™m conflicted.
Like with everything else in my life. Once I own something I have a hard time letting it go :see_no_evil::smirk:

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My feelings are i wonā€™t be selling any time soon.

With the second high wall miner coming and the day and night shifts being implemented the production can only increase. Add to that the fact they are looking at expanding should only cause the share price to climb over time.

And then we have the dividends. BEN have stated they will be a dividend paying company. Hopefully the first dividend will come with 12 months. I feel they are working on 10p.

For initial investors thatā€™s the whole ipo price and for me it would be about a third of my stake, this may or may not come to pass but iā€™ll be holding till i hear otherwise.

I too have heard Ā£1.50 and long term iā€™ve heard Ā£3 but if dividends come into play then iā€™ll just let both targets pass me by. Iā€™m comfortably green and something truly catastrophic would have to happen like @CashCow would have to buy in with his hooves of doom stomping all over it.


Hey man, what the fuā€¦ Nah, actually you have a point.


Huge news todayā€¦ theyā€™ve signed a royalty agreement with a company who own land contiguous with BENā€™s existing mining site.
BEN will pay royalties to the owner with an initial 3 year lease extendable by another 3 years.
Thereā€™s already an offtake agreement with Integrity (BEN current offtake partner), so the mining permit being obtained along with a high wall miner being put into operation is all that is needed now (mining permit should not difficult to obtain given the current commodity prices and demand).


:heart_eyes: Ā£20 share price here we come


Ive changed my mind
50p shares here we come

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:person_facepalming:t2: Iā€™d only be concerned if we see a drop under 80pā€¦ some will be getting impatient about a lack on news regarding production. Hopefully we get an update in the next couple of weeks as train shipments are scheduled to go out in April (as per the last production RNS).

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RNS for anyone watching or holding this stock.


Anyone know why share price has slashed today ?

War, China, Recession,
Take you pick :face_with_peeking_eye:

just looked at todays closeā€¦ 74.0 :sob: :poop:

the CFO has gone, so , maybe people dont like it

CFO going is a good thing - heā€™s also the CFO of MBU Capital who are the majority shareholders of BEN and essentially brought them to market.
There was concern among some investors that MBU had too much influence on BEN; this action helped to separate BEN somewhat along with MBU giving BEN the rights to the railway (previously a 2 year lease). The CFO will remain in role for another 6 months whilst they search for a replacement.

BEN got hit hard today (like almost every other stock), but some are clearly impatient whilst we wait for confirmation of the first rail delivery of coal which is expected any day now.

Each train load can transport 10k tonnes of washed met coal. Margins are approximately $200 per tonne of coalā€¦ they expect to be shipping 60-70k tonnes per month from July, the railway was the final piece of the puzzle for BEN and IMO this will bounce hard once fully derisked by the impending RNSā€¦


Kind of makes sense that when you got 800% gains in something to dump a load and use that money on trying to catch a crash.

Just have to hope the money comes back at some point and doesnā€™t end up tied up elsewhere and Big Ben gets forgotten about.

Iā€™m still holding and in the highly unlikely even it ever goes sub 30p iā€™m prepared to buy more. Second highwall is still to start producing, not heard confimation yet about the double shifts, and they are looking into other locations to do more mining. So i still think Ā£3 is still totaly realistic over a couple of years.

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Lets hope it turns around soon!

Yeah thought it might have something to do with it. Probably anticipating Putinā€™s speech and whipping thier money out