Company perks

Hello everyone,

I was reading some articles about some ongoing perks that companies offer to their shareholders.

Some examples can be found here:

I was then wondering how would be possible to take advantage of them or receive them.
I mean after I bought the share what are the steps if there are any.

On the same note, as suggestion, I think would be nice receive a notification or have a list of the company tradable on Freetrade that offer that.

I’m not suggesting that you should buy shares based on freebies, it doesn’t sound as a sound idea, but if you bought the company for good reasons is a good thing to know.

On a separate subject, I heard marvels about the famous Freetrade hoodie, I’m aware it was a perk for 1000Β£+ investment at least at R3 if I’m not mistaken. I was then wondering if was feasible/possible down the road be able to also purchase it.



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