Debit cards

Are there any plans to add debit cards as a source of funds? My bank doesn’t use Open Banking and having to wait for funds to arrive is at times slow. On another platform which uses debit cards the funds appear near-instantly.


Debit cards take a bit of fee to process the payment so it’s not ideal for large payments.

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@Leito thanks for the reply. I’m generally okay adding funds the night before I need them in but sometimes something drops which I’d like to buy and having to wait for funds to reach the account means I can miss out on a drop.

I am mostly invested in US market so if I top up before 12:00 it’s guaranteed to be there by 2:30PM but I get what you are saying.

After making a transfer at 0800-ish, FT has just informed me that no transfers made after 18:30 on Friday can be allocated due to a banking problem. It’s going to be one of those Mondays :slight_smile:

Same here! Was wondering why my deposit made early Sunday (20th) afternoon still hasn’t reached my account. Pretty disappointing…

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