Deposit not appeared and no reply on chat


Just wondering if anyone can help. I deposited some money last Wednesday and it still hasn’t arrived in my account. My bank says it has been sent and is with Freetrade.

I’ve emailed. I’ve also messaged on chat but not had a single response which is quite concerning.

I’m guessing it’s a legit app as my friend uses it. But the way things are turning out I’m not sure.

Any advice would be great



I have the same problem. Transfer left my bank on sauturday, but nothing appearing in my Freetrade account. No reply from Chat.

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It’s legit, they’ve just been bombarded with new users in the last few weeks. The concern is understanding. But your money isn’t going anywhere so you don’t need to worry to much about it disappearing.

Hopefully @Gemhappe will get in touch with you in a bit

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