I’ve been using the app for a while.
Few ideas that I would like to see added.
Dividend paying stocks, I would like to see these clearly labelled within the app, in a category with payout info if possible.
Perks to subscribers, monthly free shares, in guessing this will only be viable for freetrade on the cheaper shares. You could even charge a small fee. I would like hot picks selected by freetrade of potential stocks that are cheap
With growth potential. -
Stock tips via freetrade, some tips like what motley crew offer as a service but more simplified.
Partnership with a modern bank that would include perks or reduced subscription. I’m considering switching from a in branch bank, monzo mentions a partnership with freetrade but seems only perks for new subscriptions.
A little more info on available stocks, summaries are very brief. Maybe a score of potential growth, potential failure etc.