I joined Freetrade using the link from Colin Furze. I wouldn’t have known about you otherwise. I’ve been trading for a month but never got my free share. Did I do something wrong?
If you look on your portfolio screen in the app, you should see a “Free Shares” icon on the mid upper right hand side. If you click that, does it show anything pending?
Appreciate your help. Nothing pending, only an opportunity to refer others. That wasn’t my understanding of the offer. Enjoying trading but slightly disappointed by this.
Hi @rogue-trader welcome to the community
This can happen from time to time, over 3000 people a day sign up to use Freetrade, so the odd stumble is to be expected.
Reach out to the team and share the sign up info and anything else useful and they’ll sort it out straight away.
Let us know how you got on and importantly if you got a free share.
Ouch! £THG isn’t looking great in your portfolio unless you got it this week!
Looks like I sold it at about a 10% loss, 8th Sept to 27th Sept. Ah well
Yeah, no big judgements here. I’m happy with the service.
Thanks all for your advice.
@rogue-trader out if interest did you get this sorted okay?
Only just contacted them. Will advise when they reply.
I’m pleased to say that I’m now the proud owner of a share in Meta Materials. I expect colossal growth just on the strength of the name…
Thanks to Freetrade and all involved.
I’m in the same boat.
'Your free share will appear in 7-10 days". I think we are now on 14 days. I’ve just contacted them regarding this.
Fingers crossed, but this should have been simple and automatic, makes you wonder what else doesn’t work…
I received my free share today.
Looks like you just need to use the “contact us” facility, and it will get sorted.
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