Freetrade Baggers - Stocks you think will double in 2021

Having said all the above if Disney do expand like some forecast then they could be looking at very good growth as people sign up and the parks start to re-open.


Just found this thread. It’s a great piece of work by you guys for a novice like me. I recently started a small portfolio and have one of your picks in it from my own research. So that has given me a bit of confidence. It’s Greatland Gold, not a bagger yet but hopefully it will head that way. If the plans are you starting a new list in the coming months I will start to put a bit aside so I can jump on a few.


@AlanJones Netscientific PLC (LON: NSCI) love to have the AIM listed company on freetrade. This company has a great opportunity with covid19 and cancer vaccines development specialist. Do you know if FT will add it. Also I can find any requests for Netscientific.

It’s not looking great so far the overall investment is down a bit. Hopefully it can recover

Adding a few more to the list:

  1. Destiny Pharma
  2. Shield Therapeutics
  3. Rambler Mining


Have a good day everyone!

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Big merge from Premier Oil with Chrysaor birthing today HBR Harbour Energy …
Unfortunately nowhere to be found on FreeTrade or Capital …

AMGO update from £0.06 to £0.2441 = around 400%, 3 bagger today


Nearly there :upside_down_face: :grin:

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Just checked the spreadsheet for the first time in a while.

Who’d of guessed the FTSE 100 would be top of ‘beat the pros’ back in Jan 2021, not me that’s for sure!


I feel a bit vindicated by that, I’ve defended the FTSE 100 a few times on this forum when people have basically said it’s returns are rubbish :rofl:

I’ve had some decent dividends from FTSE 100 companies this year as well


We’ve seen a huge shift from growth to value stocks so this isn’t too surprising. Hence why ARK is the poorest performing!

It’s not so long ago people were openly mocking value investors, it was a bit of a meme. What goes around comes around I guess


Well, 1 good months doesn’t ‘vindicate’ the decades of terrible FTSE performance :smiley:


I have quite a few FTSE 100 stocks, they are all doing well apart from the Oil companies. I reinvest the dividends. FTSE 100 with dividends reinvested really isn’t that bad, it’s about 7% anualised total return


This leads me to another question, why on earth are total return indices not used more commonly for benchmarking. At the end of the day the only people that observe price appreciation without dividends are those who hold derivatives.


Not for FTSE100, but I did here for VWRL.

Also, the VWRL returns from the sheet are understated, it excludes (0.5%) dividend that was paid in March, the right ticker to use would been - VWRP which is an accumulation version. Sheet also ignores the 0.5% Forex paid on any non UK stock so the total outperformance by Index ETFs is greater.

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This post has gone rather quiet? Did it really go that bad?!


I just checked and despite most indices being at ATHs and up ~10% this is down ~8%, it’s also trailing all the active funds in the benchmark and no baggers. I imagine the risk-adjusted return paints a bleaker picture. Still a fair bit of time left to go though.

The thing that interests me is that in efficient markets it should be just as hard to identify stocks that will underperform as outperform so there may still be some valuable insight here. It would be interesting to try running the opposite experiment: ask the Freetrade community to pick stocks they think will underperform in the next 12 months and see how well that set does.

The quiet is to be expected, you hear a lot more about the winners.