Freetrade share price 📈

Pretty easy to calculate for me, I have 10090 shares, so basically I need approx £100 to be a freellionaire.


I use a rough guessestimate of share prices which assumes no more than 10% dilution of a series B this year and further dilutions of 5% per year.

Their outstanding shares are currently 54,598,676.
For simplicity if Freetrade only has a Series B and later a Series C @£1B valuation.
It would make the share price just under £15.

(back of fag packet calculation)


I second your calculation.
I did the exercise a while back (and try to keep it up to date…). I was on
1bn£ - 14£/share
2bn£ - 26£/share
5bn£ - 62£/share

Taking into account a little bit of dilution.


I’m more than happy for them to wait a few years before IPO. Robinhood aiming for $20bn valuation for their IPO (which is nuts btw), with 13 million users. Would love for freetrade to nail Europe for a few years to try and get close to those numbers pre-ipo. I want social media to be as buzzing for this as I am!


the best way to go about it

62£/share :exploding_head: :money_mouth_face:

Let’s go! :rocket:


The speculation here is obscene :face_vomiting:

Your shares will be worth around a fiver each until 2022 or later and you are possibly in the biggest stock bubble of all time so plenty of room for them to be worth less or zero.

More likely you will be a Freebankrupt in a few years rather than a Freellionaire!

Just adding some balance to this circle jerk of optimists… don’t mind me! :smile:




With my track record on crowdfunding just the fact FT is still trading after 4 years is a major win :slight_smile:

And if I got back the 15p a share I paid in a couple of years time it would be a double win :clown_face:

But I didn’t invest to make millions - I invested in FT because I was fed up paying £12 a trade with Halifax.


Wouldn’t we have to pay capital gains tax also?

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I was late to the party also. I invested in Rounds 4 & 5 and I’m in for 6000 so I’m more than happy to receive approximately £200,000 at a valuation between 2-3 billion in 3-5 yrs time. It is an absolute no brainer. Once Freetrade conquer Europe and then Canada and then USA in 5-7 yrs you will be looking at a valuation of 8-10 billion.

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Careful you’re going to set @rarther off again :joy:


So it depends if you logged an EIS claim or not at the point at which you invested.

If you did, then from my understanding you may be able to have your capital gains tax waived.

Unfortunately I was living in Ireland at the time so I didn’t qualify for EIS :sob: In hindsight a very expensive decision.

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That’s right. If you logged your EIS claim you receive 30% back as well as all gains tax waived when they are realised.

Yes, providing you’ve held the shares for 3+ years. for balance @rarther, you also have the ability to claim back loss relief if your investments fail

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Am I right in thinking you have 5 years to send the eis form?

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I’m fairly sure it’s 2-3 years not 5.


up to 5


I recently claimed EIS from investments I did December 2018

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freetrade could easily IPO within 18 months - at 1mln customers its a £1bln+ business