FT share price - IG agrees to acquire Freetrade 2025

For past week it completely slipped of my mind. Time heals everything but we better remember the lessons.

On a general note, I think there a case of govt to intervene if it chooses to.
Lets consider the case of EIS, in which people can claim Tax relief and loss relief, we can say that it is funded by tax payers. May be someone else can explain this better.

From now on any crowdfunding schemes are just money grabbing schemes until proven otherwise.

Lets consider this, if a business has great potential why would we normies get option to invest.

If youโ€™ve been playing poker for half an hour and you still donโ€™t know who the patsy is, youโ€™re the patsy. - Warren Buffet

If we generalize this further,
it is not different than all the crypto scams but with a layer of legal protections in between for scammers.

Be safe in the trenches



I have lots to read on here but itโ€™s funny that I decided to listen to the intelligent investor again and it seems last time I missed the section about where he talks about IPOs and getting rich from them.

Really interesting section and actully is exactly whatโ€™s happended here to freetrade :slight_smile: