Greencoat UK 💨 - UKW

Agree, my average is £1.32 when incl dividends, holding for over a year. UKW seems to have done a lot better than other renewables in the recent downturn of them, has recovered nicely. Yield still excellent.

I’ve never saw an obvious strategy for trading dividends other than maybe buying around the payment date expecting an uplift. With stamp duty it’s not worth the bother, better playing that game with a spread bet.


Yuup me too

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When I seen 33 comments I said oh shiz what’s happend… But then doood doood dudddddheeeeejdjdjddd=djdjd

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Note, that the vast majority of the time the share price falls on exdivided day. Which in itself is statement… you ain’t getting the dividend!
But you are getting the share cheaper and hence a larger dividend in future.

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Have any of these ranters who pop up every now and again out of nowhere ever had a genuine issue ?

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Clearly the poster misunderstood ex-dividend dates.

I get what you’re saying, when people complain with strong words but turn out not to really have a complaint, surely sometimes it just requires a little bit conversation and clearing up.

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User error as per usual but would of been good if FT just checked to see if the OPs shares were eligible for the dividend rather than quoting cheques.


Nearly a standard answer…crib sheet?

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I’ve no idea what your post said or why it was flagged but generally people flag things because something is off topic, irrelevant and/or offensive.

IIRC it takes several people flagging something for it to be removed - not sure what the trigger point is.

If stuff is being removed rather than blaming others perhaps reflect on what you wrote?!? Crazy I know!

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Yes you have a point this post is extraordinarily offensive…

“I haven’t received any dividends either.
I suspect freetrades excuse would be “you don’t own any shares in UKW”
They are such pedantasist!”

Humour clearly isn’t your strong point, nor some others. Although as can clearly be seen others thought it a harmless joke!!!

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Oh I remember this joke I read it as well :))))))

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Lovely … yes indeed every cloud :laughing: thanks to all you beautiful posters you are all model pinups in my world, worthy to be placed on the back of any toilet door … enjoy your weekend :+1:

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Praise indeed!!

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Wasting 5 minutes reading the last 42 posts is time I’ll never get back, thought I might as well join in :call_me_hand:

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Do we think that now is a good time to add currently low priced renewables to our portfolio? Given that Labour is likely to take the next election.


I’ve done well over the last month with Foresight Solar, Bluefield, Octopus Renewables and Greencoat - 4.5 - 8.5% up.

It’s worth registering for the newsletters from this site. They are far less terrible than the junk Motley Fool pumps out - James Carthew: I’ve bought two more renewables, now looking at UK equity income


I actually think a Labour gov’t may be a good thing for renewable infrastructure trusts.

The party’s making some big pledges and the green economy is important in some of its heartlands.


Definitely a good bounce the past few weeks. NESF today doing well after an update on their credit facility.

UKW favoured in this piece


There’s been an effective ban on new on shore wind for so long the continent has caught us up now. It’d be good to see that relaxed a bit. I think whatever else they’ve done this government has dithered for long enough over climate action. I think although the present is tricky for some funds the future looks way more positive.

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Dude, they’ve not dithered they’ve actively sabotaged it. The Tories made it clear they don’t care about the future of the country, the people in this country or the planet when they granted new oil/gas licences to their chums back in September.

That shit needs to stay in the ground.

Then they also extended the end of the sale new combustion cars to 2035. “They do these things not because they are hard, but because they are easy” as JFK didn’t say about the moon landings.

Meanwhile in my ISA, I’ve put my milk money where my mouth is. Some may say I’m overexposed to one particular sector but this is the action I take as there’s no point in sitting in the middle of my field to protest against the fossil fuel industry.