How do I switch accounts on Android?

How do I switch between ISA and basic on Android app?

It’s not possible to do this presently on Android but I recall seeing a post saying switching on Android is high on the list.


Actually I’ve cracked it - it requires the iOS app also.

I installed freetrade on my iPad (looks terrible btw, would like to see a nicer version for tablets), if I log onto my iPad and switch to ISA then when I log on to my android phone my freetrade Android app is now pointing to my ISA also.

And vice versa if I want to see basic.



What form? Cannot see anything :slight_smile:

You will if you click through to the post :wink:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help us test ISAs :moneybag: & Account Switching :twisted_rightwards_arrows: on Android

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