How many users now?

So the 100k user mark was passed last Sunday (9/2/2020) at 14:19.

If anyone has a recent new user number, as close to today as possible, we could get a good indication of what the weekly take-up rate is.


Always interested to know too :grin: come on. Anyone have any user numbers?

My guess 108k

Should be a big increase from ireland especially if fractionals and shares roll out soon! I would presume irish freetrade will be in € Euro € ??? Hopefully there will be some good marketing getting the word out!

When does the Ireland and Netherlands access launch? If you know

There’s an Irish beta at the moment.

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I’m thnking more around the 500 users per day, so maybe arund 103.5K

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we have just passed 5555 number for forum registered users.


Anyone know how our user numbers compare against Trading 212? They’ve been pushing their advertising recently & seen they’re offering fractional shares already

I think it’s the name. It’s not a great name.

Not exactly sure what this graph represents in terms of numbers :

( For transparency : I have T212 and FT accounts )

I have accounts with both, however I only opened the 212 account for the free share. Have left the money in there on some stocks currently not in Freetrade universe.

I think their app is smooth in its transitions but very poor info available from its layout. Not a huge fan overall

If you go the Apple App Store —> Finance Apps, there is a chart by popularity. Currently Trading 212 is sitting 14th place. Freetrade is at 65. I think Freetrade were in the 70s two weeks ago. We should track this…

Barclays is the 1,2,3.


Needs to be top 5

On App Store rankings…

It pains me that we’re not in the top 10 or top 20 consistently. We’ll get there.

But understand that Apple does rankings largely based on recent downloads. It’s a vanity metric for a business like ours and heavily influenced by advertising spend. Still love a good vanity metric :grinning:

Here’s a more meaningful one shared by @jani at our last all-hands: over half of our users that have ever been active, have been active in the past 30 days.

100% of our staff have been active in the past 30 days.

We measure activity as investing in something.


Wouldn’t a better metric be how often an app is used? (If that metric can be captured)

After all I downloaded Freetrade a long time ago but I use it daily.

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I measure activity as reading stuff that will eventually lead to a buy/sell order:
reading - 99.9999% of the time
click the button - 0.0001% of the time

Homework is king.

The use of 4 decimal places is a subtle intentional hint :wink:


:joy: Loving the subtle hint :rofl:

Would it be OK to uninstall my Freetrade App and then re-install. Would that help with the rankings?? I’m going to do it anyway​:+1::grinning::crazy_face: