Sweet, cheers for the flair how can i get the android app?can i get bumped up the waiting list?
As an investor, you’ll get it as early as possible! Latest updates here.
@Viktor @Freetrade_Team Pls activate me
And me please. Round 3😃
Thanks! Feels good
You’ll feel very different now - stronger, faster, more efficient, able to stick to walls…
Just posting to see if I have a flair. I’m in for quite a lot so would like an extra large flair please!
The flair is there
Stylish and understated, I like it!
@Andrewpclark Fits a quality avatar
Would love activation too! Pls and thank you!
Me too, would love activation as I believe I’m round 3 also
Can you add me as well? Round 2 & 3 investor!
You’re activated. Looking slick!
Could you add my flair?
The round that ended at the beginning of June… Which I assume is R3…
The flair was within you all along…
That sounds like it could cause some complications in the future…
Could I get my flair please?
Sure thing! Which round were you in?