Important: Investor groups and flairs

Thanks Toby! It was the latest round on 16th May.


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You’ve been flaired

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Please can I get my flair? I was in the latest round in May

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Could I get my flair:) I have recently invested in June.

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The flair is there!

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Posting to check my flair

Flair… activated

You’re going to run out of ways to say that, eventually…!

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Flair today @Liam_W

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hey chaps, could I get my flair? I have invested in June. thanks!

There ya go!

Not sure what stage I actually invested at but can you possibly flare me:star_struck:

I found you :grin: you’re in!

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Hi, I invested in the May 2018 round. My email is the same as that used on Crowdcube, and I responded to your recent email regarding queue positions, but I don’t think my position has changed (currently 19,645 ahead of me).

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@Freetrade_Team I am a R3 investor. Can you add me into the list ?

You’re all set now :+1:

I can see the queue jump applied. :+1: DM us if any issues!

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Hi everyone this is my first post. Just wanted to say that I am very much looking forward to using the app. I have been eagerly awaiting it and invested via Crowdcube. It was actually my first ever investment. I am a complete novice and do not have a clue yet but I am learning a lot from the community.

Anyway, I was hoping that I could get my r3 badge.

Thank you.


Welcome Michelle! It’s great to have another second time investor in the community :smile: you’ve got your badge now :muscle:

If you’re trying to learn more about investing then you might find this wiki useful:

Introductory wiki 🐣

& please feel free to ask any questions you have here:

Ask your beginners questions here 🐣

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Morning guys, is there any update on the ‘Founding Member’ flair? :nerd_face:

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