Investor Rewards R6

Any sneak peeks?

Hey Sam, I know people with swag rewards have been contacted but do you have any update on the badges?

Thank you.

Weeks turns into months!


Any news on the next crowd funding round? @AdamL @Freetrade_Team


Any News/Update on the R6 Badges, Hopefully Before the Next Crowdfunding round.:roll_eyes::thinking:
I know you are Busy with European Expansion but Come on, it would be Nice for this to be Finally sorted/delivered.
p.s. I luv you all really. :grin::grinning:


Hey @Freetrade_Team, any news?

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Year 2060, old folks’ home;

‘hey grandpa this jacket just came in the post for you, it says freetrade on, does that mean anything to you?’

‘He’s dead Tony.’


Any update on R5 swag?

Hopefully in 2060 the freetrade swag from 2020 would be worth a fortune as collectible item!


Hi Sam,

What’s happening with these rewards?

In the AMA this week I believe Sam said they are currently in production and will be with us shortly.

Yeah, that was correct. I think the phrase ‘a couple of weeks’ may have been mentioned?? :thinking:
N.B. Sampoullain did use the phrase ‘A Few Weeks, Max’ on 12th March.
But This Time I really Do Believe that it will Just be a couple more weeks.:blush::grin::grinning: Keeping the Faith.:+1::+1:
Also, at the minute Freetrade do seem to be Massively Busy with all of the European Expansion stuff.:slightly_smiling_face:

This is really disappointing!

I think they mentioned the supplier they were dealing with had to close down UK operations due to brexit.

@Freetrade_Team any updates on this?

Now things are opening up, I’m sure investors would love to wear their swag and give free advertising out!


To be fair to Freetrade the pandemic temporarily closed a lot of the businesses and they were not in the office to package up and post the rewards either (that’s what they did for previous rounds I think).

My only thing is that is getting too warm to wear a Freetrade hoodie / jacket. Then again, with the British summer who knows it might come in handy :grinning:


I agree it was tricky with the pandemic. But still… where there’s a will there’s a way.

I think for the next round Freetrade should drop the physical merch. It’s clearly too much hassle.


Using my freetrade drinks bottle to cool down :ok_hand:



Saw this image on Facebook, maybe the rewards are close to being posted out?