Investor Rewards R6

Iā€™m still waiting for my Investor R6 in this forum :sweat_smile: probably the supplier has run off with it or it takes effort to package it up and go through with each investor.

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Does anyone remember the freebie list ? Itā€™s been that long Iā€™ve forgottenā€¦

I think I may now need the next size up on the hoodie! Lockdown has not been kindā€¦ :sweat_smile:


Itā€™s in the first post

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For me personally the excitement of receiving any rewards for my investment in the company has disappeared now. I am definitely disappointed with the amount of delay, especially after having submitted my preferences twice in response to their emails. To some extent it reflects on how efficient the company is in getting things done. Sorry to say but Iā€™ll be looking to invest in some of itā€™s upcoming competitors now instead.


Thatā€™s a strange first comment from an investor. Ofcourse the freebies are a nice touch but youā€™d base your investment decisions on more than their ability to mail hoodies I hope. (?)


I dunno. I know a few people who invested in Brewdog solely for the perks.

TBF many would value how a company does the simple things like this as to whether they would trust them to fulfil the important things.


And a solid defence for the company coming from an R5 investor with a hostile comment on my personal choice is not strange at all! :slight_smile:

I might not be as good with my investment choices like you, but I do understand a thing or two about delivering up to someoneā€™s expectations. Sorry but I find it a bit hard to justify that investors should have any different expectations than customers when it comes to delivering on promises.


If you were unhappy with FTs ability to develop their product then I would be inclined to agree that theyā€™ve missed my expectations.

Their ability or inability to develop their product upto investorā€™s expectations is a different topic I believe.

Unless you think they did not even deliver what they had committed to product wise. I havenā€™t followed their product roadmap yet so I might not be in the best position to comment on that. But as a customer too, I am not quite satisfied with the product either. Iā€™ll probably reserve my comments regarding that for another thread.

With regards to the investor rewards that they had used as a carrot to lure naive investors (like me maybe) though, I think their execution has not matched at all with what was being sold. I am yet to read a post from an R6 investor who has received their perks. And by perks I mean not just the hoodies, I mean something as basic as an investor badge. Thatā€™s a software thing and shouldnā€™t take a year for 1 icon to be added to the profiles. I have an idea of how fast paced the industry is, and how quickly the competitors can catch up.

I donā€™t give 2 f**ks when I receive my hoodie. All I want for Christmas 2022 is a 2-3 billion valuation :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


And more developersā€‹:+1::joy:


I want that for 2021 :wink:

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Sorry this was meant to be a generic reply on the thread. Not to your specific comment :grimacing: :beers:

Yeh I think we could all forgive them being a few weeks late, maybe a couple months late but it is a bit beyond a joke now. Maybe we could all get an extra free water bottle or hip flask on top (or early access to the next funding :wink: )?


In all fairness, not at all fussed with the swag.

Not fussed it was delayed due to the pandemic - these are very exceptional times.

Donā€™t begrudge the team from needing to focus on other things.

I am disappointed though, as an avid user of freetrade and a fervant believer in the abilities of all of the team and no doubt the need to make very crucial decisions behind these scenes that must have impacted the r6 swag.

Iā€™m disappointed in the communication here. The forum is for avid users, investors and members that spend alot of time here to help others and share all the great things about the app and the company, but this void has taken the shine from the forum for me and thatā€™s very sad to say.


I hate being so pessimistic in general, but itā€™s kind of very hard to imagine a billion dollar company that couldnā€™t even deliver badge icons despite being late by a year.


Badge icons!? Well now I know itā€™s that important, best contact Adam directly and get that happening!

It is kind of like the saying ā€œLook after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselvesā€ Big companies gain good reputations on the small things they do but if you donā€™t look after those small things it can effect the larger reputation.

Or the other saying ā€œDonā€™t make promises you canā€™t keepā€ It does seem FT are afraid to say when the news is not good. I think the community would always prefer an open ā€œSorry we canā€™t do XXX at moment for XXX reasonā€ on any issue they have.

Shame as they are a great platform but do score own goals. :stuck_out_tongue: :man_facepalming: