Just for fun - Every asset on freetrade


Just a bit of a theoretical and just for a bit of fun.

If someone bought 1x every asset available on fteetrade would they

  • would they?
  • Beat the market
  • not beat the market
  • approximately be neutral

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Good question.

Im sure that profit or loss would vary by year…but to answer your question, if you effectively buy all of the market (well the majority of it) I dont imagine you can beat it.

To beat it would require a narrowing of focus and picking bigger winners.

Makes you think about just how much you should diversify…I think diversifying is important, but mostly overdone.

Slow news day today so I took the Freetrade Universe and where available compared the price on 13/09/2022 to 13/09/2023.

Very basic analysis of these 5731 entries : ( no allowance for currency variations / stock splits etc ): If you spent £1 on each share in 2022 you would have had £5576 a year later ( -2.7%)

For comparison in the same timescale :
VWRP +4.47%
VUSA +3.62%
IWDG +10.2%

ETA : Taking into account the exchange rates for each day buying one of each share would have cost £218,646 in 2022 and been valued at £214,718 in 2023.


Thats some impressive calculations :slightly_smiling_face:

Interesting results. Thanks for sharing :+1:

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That is interesting, I wonder what difference dividends would make to the -2.7% figure.