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I think we’ll need a non Tory government, unless they finally see the tax benefits…

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As soon as I put more money in it drops 3% lol


Same haha, it seems to do this with everything for me the past 2 days

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Looks like today maybe a red day, doesnt matter if you dont sell :wink:

And me haha

They know the tax benefits. They know people want it too. It is more a case of some tories will lose money if its legalised.

That’s purely what this would come down to. The few out way the many unfortunately when it comes down to this.

What IPO have you got your easy on?

I can’t really even see it happening under a Labour Government either if I’m honest.

Only one that said they’d put it forward is lib dems, and that was 2 elections ago and they didn’t even come close.

I’m suprised the tory government have allowed medicinal…

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And the Green Party lol

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A lot of the conservative MPs have stakes in GW Pharmacy. As far as I’m aware they were the only UK company allowed to grow and export marijuana.
The reason for reluctance in legalisation is due to a private pie becoming chopped up into pieces of public pie.

Might be worth buying more now it’s down to .31

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Yeh, good opportunity if you’ve not bought in yet, but I’m currently taking a loss and it didn’t seem to be a good day today :joy: who knows what next week will bring.

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I wouldn’t worry, this is just the start

Definitely, in the long hall on this one, as well as £mxc (MGC Pharmaceuticals)

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Hi there,

Have you got the link to where GW has conservative backs please. ?



No one talking now that the hype had gone, that’s why I said earlier don’t go in to heavy on the hype, now you have chance to buy in for lower price, might even get lower than initial IPO. Good luck

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No specific link. Best route will be to search

“Gw pharmaceuticals conservative” or something to that affect.

There is plenty of info out there, especially from when Theresa May was prime minister as that’s where alot of dirt got uncovered.

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Currently at a 33% loss… Not too much money put in initially but still, ouch :sweat_smile:

Half tempted to just cash out and cut losses, but also tempted to keep hold and see if it rises long term aha

Im down 37% but made money on the uptrend so not all bad lol