Leader Board

It might seem silly to most people but as im new to investing I don’t know how well my portfolio is doing in comparison to others on the platform. How does the idea sound of a basic leader board that shows username and their Money-weighted rate of return %? could make it opt-in rather than force people to participate.

Hi @Sam.ryall92 welcome to the forum and very best of luck with your investing journey. As @jasejase says there is a fun thread for this. Needless to say I am nowhere near a top performer there :slight_smile: , but it doesn’t matter because we’re all running our own races, have our own goals, time horizons and attitudes to risk.


It counts for sure, and futureyou will thank todayyou for investing wisely

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ahh thats great, just what i was looking for thanks!

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Lol wish I started when I was 35, in my 50’s now and while I’ve saved enough to pay off my mortgage I could have earned so much more with long term investments :slight_smile:

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