Lloyds Banking Group - LLOY - Share Chat



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Well if could be but that dividendmax has never been wrong for me since checked it?
And it wasn’t always showing as quaterly only just?

So time will tell looks like dividend amount is going up according to German bank :thinking:

The bank’s dividend policy statement is crystal clear.

Yes - Lloyds announced this progressive policy in July last year. We will find out the exact number soon enough.


Not saying Lloyds are wrong? I’m just saying dividendmax has never been wrong for me either :grin:
And heard it’s possibly 8-9% but will see when/if happens

Lloyds and dividendmax both can’t be right :joy: in this instance I’m pretty sure the business knows more than dividendmax.

Knowing a lot about the subject, I’m willing to stick my neck out on the line and guarantee you that dividendmax are incorrect and have not changed their structure back since the announcement. LBG will be paying 2 dividends per year until further notice - naturally this may change with a further announcement and year end results but I don’t really expect it to change.


Yup. The source information has to come from the business - anything else is secondary, speculative and/or a simple mistake. It is the companies board that sets it.

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I think it could well be that they decided to go quarterly just before covid hit, did one payment as such and then stopped dividends altogether for a bit starting again at the end of last year.

Probably changed their minds going forward and dividendmax just have nor updated their website.

Querterly divs would have been nice, but it doesn’t put me off it they won’t be.

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Well let’s get off our high horses! I’m saying I’ve never known dividendmax to be wrong for me! Not every stock! And I’m not saying Lloyds are wrong I’m just saying dividendmax hasn’t been wrong! For me,

I have no doubt Lloyd are right and paying 2 a year but if it even goes quarterly! I will be name shaming you all :+1:t2:


What’s our thoughts on performance?

Beginning to wonder if the reading fraud scandal will ever end.

On the plus, £2bn share buybacks is positive and final dividend of 1.33p takes the yield to ~4%

I was 5% up yesterday and now 5% down so that’s some shift in a day is it the fact the results are bad or cause of war started for real :thinking::man_facepalming:

Results were slightly down on estimates based on impairments - the only plus side with this is that the money can come back into the balance sheet if not needed for the intended purpose.

I reckon war has a much bigger impact than the results. Either way, I took advantage of it to add some more to my holdings.


I only bought more on monday expecting good result about 51p I should have waited all good for future tho


Hindsight is a wonderful thing! At least you’ll still have the additional dividend payments coming through for them too.


Well yea and if it’s hopefully increased its a bonus and long term maybe good too :+1:t2:

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Full year results now available:

Thought interest rate rises help the banks finances not drop the share price.

The price as you can guess is not only a function of interest rates. If you have done some research on LLOY you will see that it’s valuation is based on a number of factors. The last results revealed some problems inspite of increased profits. The present share price is not too far away from various fair value estimates.

The challenge for management is to show that the fair value should be much higher.


Thank you.

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