MEGATHREAD: Free Share updates and feedback 🎟

Still shows the previous version in my app store too. I think potentially Google takes a little time to roll out new updates to everyone. I’ll check back tomorrow.

Whenever google decide you should get it. It usually takes a short time as they enable it across their platform. Google never seems to show the update to everyone at the same time.

It would be good if freetrade could put the APK on their website, @RenataL do you think that would be possible?

Generally this is a bad idea, you lose a number of layers of security, analytics, you increase risk of malware packed apks, and you encourage people to weaken the security of their device.

it doesnt take that long on the play store anyway. i think it was only up yesterday


If you’re downloading directly from freetrade I dont see how it would be malware. And I’m sure they get analytic data from their website too

Having an apk to download from freetrade isnt malware, but it sets a precedent for distributing freetrade apks, they’ll start showing up elsewhere on the internet uncontrolled and may be modified. having apks also encourages the option of weakening the persons OS security.

sideloading apks are still androids biggest weakness and its largest target for malware.

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Got a notification saying I got a freeshare coming, so I had a look at the links feature too see who signed up, turns out this freeshare is coming from someone who signed up from link way back in July and just deposited now. thought that was kinda cool :eyes:


That’s interesting, I thought there was a month cut off to deposit into their account?

I could be so wrong actually, but saw the notification this morning and checked the links and this was there? happy to be corrected

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It’s time for our final bonus Free Share campaign of the year.

And this time it’s a special festive edition :gift:

Refer a friend by 3rd Jan and you could win a special Christmas Hamper filled with:

  • Shopify
  • Disney
  • Nike
  • Naked Wines
  • Hotel Chocolat

Good luck, and happy referring!

Capital at risk


omfg I want to join the meetings where you come up with these frankly PRIMO ideas.

Happy derpin’ holidays! :christmas_tree:


Hey @Freetrade_Team, I’ve got a quick question regarding this promo.

I’ve had a friend just sign up & deposit into his GIA (before the deadline) but as it’s the weekend his top-up won’t clear in his account until earliest Monday 8am latest right? Will we both be still eligible for the give away?

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I wonder how your friend’s user number would look like in a certain thread :wink:


Dying to know who won the Christmas Hamper, haven’t seen any notification on the socials but perhaps I missed it in w/c 11 January.

We’ll be announcing the winner this week! :gift:


Fantastic, thanks Sam…fingers crossed haha!

I had a friend sign up via my referral link, however no notifications have appeared on the app

It’s time to reveal the winner! :gift:

Massive congrats to Druvesh, who won shares in Disney, Nike, Shopify, Hotel Chocolat and Naked Wines.


Hi Freetrade Team & @Freetrade_Team

Just referred someone & was wondering for the Mystery Stock can you sort a Brother out with Microsoft or Apple please


What’s the trigger for your share to be revealed? I referred two friends, one already has his share and has subsequently referred a friend and she’s received her share and I’m still waiting for the original referral. Bizzare

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