They have to fund the account then fill in W8BEN form. FT said Wed-Fri this week so it could be tomorrow, mine came today about 3pm.
Hi there does someone can help me to understand… first I downloaded the app to see how it is, then I was happy with and I click on the link of a friend to access the free share but when I did it : “sorry it looks like you have an account already”… Did I do wrong? Should I cancel first my account and then click on the link to have the free share? Many thanks
I don’t think that’s possible any longer unfortunately. If you’ve already created an account without being referred then I don’t think you will be able to claim the free share.
thank you for your quick and very clear answer (few days I try to understand
I saw an update on my Freetrade account saying I had a free Netflix share yesterday, however I don’t see it anywhere and can’t see any details about it on my account.
Does it take a few days to appear in your account ? How can I find the details of this in the App ?
Just spotted it, was in my General Investment account
Yeah, free shares are applied to your GA and cannot be transferred to the ISA - sadly.
I am new to Freetrade i created my account yesterday following the promo link which meant to have £200 free shares, but it cant even click the button to receive it ( attaching screenshots below.
Can someone help please as i tried chat, but its all auto reply’s without any help. Also I received message on my account what i can now share my own link with referrals, but I haven’t received it too.Welcome. You’ll be very fortunate to get 200 quid tho. Most are a few quid. If you get anything over 10 that’s good going.
They get released every Thursday but if you just signed up it’ll be probably next week.
Thank you for reply, i just curious why it not allow me claim them. As looking on YouTube videos people can claim them straight away I already put quite a bit £££ on my account, was expecting to have extra.
I believe its Wednesdays. Recently received a free Rightmove share
It has never been possible to claim free shares straight away from Freetrade so those YouTube videos are not correct, or have been edited as if they are getting them straight away.
Its a lucky dip, nothing to do with what you put in. @Coolsmp says it’s Wednesday. So should be there next week. You should see it listed in the app as free share without any details.
Not sure if this is still the case?
I referred a friend and they have bought shares and filled out the us tax exemption form, however the app still tells me they have to top up their account to get a free share . Do I have to wait for this to update or is something wrong?
Welcome to the community @Kakamilly
It sounds like there’s a delay assigning Free Shares at the moment (as mentioned below), if you’ve not been assigned your free share in 14 days then I would reach to customer service via the in app chat. Hope this helps
Today is Wednesday still no singh of shares
It’s Wednesday morning - it happens around 3pm as someone said a few posts above.