Hi @Eden,

Inspecie transfers are definitely in our plans and we will start working to support inspecie straight after we launch our SIPP. Weā€™ll be offering cash transfers only from launch.


Yes from initiation @Wulfy @stephen.

Check out our FAQs on the SIPP page for more details on this - Open SIPP - Self-invested personal pension account | Freetrade


Hey @jlbpower :wave:

Great question! I canā€™t give exacts at the moment but I can say that, for the most part, our SIPP universe will reflect our current universe. Furthermore, SIPPs tend to be less restrictive than ISAs. We will share all these details a little closer to our launch so watch this space.

The Plus universe and non-Plus universe differences will still apply for the Freetrade SIPP. If you are a Plus member youā€™ll get Ā£3 discount per month off your SIPP price though if you are thinking of giving Plus a try!


Very helpful, thank you. Looking forward to learning more.

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Thanks, information appreciated :+1: Iā€™ll give it a think

I recently transferred my Pension from Aegon to Hargreaves, this landed into my Hargreaves account as cash. My question is can I now initiate a transfer of that cash from HL to Freetrade ?

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As posted a few posts up, cash transfers are whats supported at launch. So you HL SIPP can be transferred to Freetrade as cash. Assets not as cash would be sold.

Sounds like perfect timing to me

I still donā€™t get how the Sipp offered by FT is going to be cheaper if I chose to invest in VUSA for example when compared to HL

Am I missing something?

The difference is pretty simple, Freetrade is a flat fee product, HL is a % tiered cost product.

  • Freetrade has a Ā£10/m product charge regardless of the amount in your SIPP
  • HL charges 0.45% for shares up to Ā£200 a year, and 0.45% on funds up to Ā£250,000, 0.25% between 250k-1million, 0.1% above 1 million. Plus dealing costs for buying and selling at Ā£11.95 for shares, or Ā£1.50 if buying monthly on direct debit on a set group of share types

In the case of only having Ā£5k invested then HL is cheaper, but thatā€™s always been the case with fixed fee vs % fee

Also if youā€™re going to go VUSA, then use Vanguard, its cheaper than both Freetrade and HL at those amounts.

And thats the question to ask. How much do you have (no need to say here), what are you wanting to invest in, how are you wanting to invest. Then identify the right platform that fits those needs.


thanks, that sums it up perfectly

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Did we get to the bottom of people not getting a confirmation email. I might have joined the waitlist already I suspect. I can see an email asking me to confirm singing up for information on FT SIPP. Would that be it?

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You should contribute your requirements to this thread Account Statements & Data Exporting - What formats would you want to see?

It is because you have already joined the waitlist - had the same

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Sorry for the lame question, but if Freetrade charges only 10Ā£ per month for SIPP and there are no other % fees (as opposing to HL), is it true that free AMZN stock is way too high customer acquisition cost? It would take >20 years to reach LTV CAC ratio above 1. Or am I missing something? I know that not everyone would receive amzn, but stillā€¦


:balloon:Oohhh Freetrade, you havenā€™t have you! :balloon:

This. Is. Huge.



I think the key thing youā€™re missing is marketing tactic of:

ooooh shiny amazon stock :star_struck:

The numbers seem to vary, but apparently the average pension pot seems to be around Ā£60-80k. And obviously pension sizes will be a lot less for younger investors (except you luck ones out there).

The number of people transferring a Ā£250k+ pension to freetrade is probably relatively small compared to the number of people transferring a pension up up to Ā£100k which expect the vast majority of transfers to be in the Ā£20-100k bracket (just my guess).

that means that minimum free share for the middle of the road of the table is only looking at a 1-2 year ā€˜paid forā€™ SIPP via the share.

Keep in mind the SIPP has to be open for at least a year and youā€™ve got a nice little incentive, plus a year of development work on the app to keep people around even more. Then someone who is transferring a Ā£250k pension likely also has a significant ISA and GIA somewhere which is incentive for them to open a plus account for freetrade to get an extra Ā£7/m brining your calculation down to 9 year.

9 years is still stupid but then thereā€™s the business money moving aspect i donā€™t fully understand where cash coming in counts for more than spend cash even though the spent cash cost more than the cash coming in. Confusing yes, real yes. So in some aspect, giving away a Ā£2000 share to bring in Ā£17 a month can be more valuable than the initial Ā£2000 spend even though it cost way more than what youā€™re actually receiving back.

Yep I think youā€™re right - not actually going to be many moving pensions of that size but looks enticing for people to join.
You also need to consider the potential revenue from the FX fee which would quickly help you claw back that initial outlay if they make a few trades.


No employer contributions allowed :frowning: Iā€™d love to transfer away from interactive invester but if I canā€™t make contributions from my LTD company that means its a none starter for me, and many others no doubt

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As a SIPP is essentially a savings scheme some sort of automated investment mechanism is an absolute must here - both to add / invest new money and the monthly tax credit. As it stands will the 20% tax relief simply sit in your account as cash and require manual intervention to reinvest?