MEGATHREAD: Limit Orders

@Freetrade_Admin: Please could we have limit order feature please? It is so basic and I do expect to have this as a regular user and ISA user of this app.


Any update on this please? I’m spending too much time managing my portfolio because of a lack of this basic feature and missing out on opportunities.

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Another vote for this from me.

This is the only trading app (yes it is a trading app the clue is in the name) that doesn’t offer this most basic feature.

Also bit of a rant but I see a lot of wishy washy excuses on made up technicalities as to why this won’t help or w.e. No, I’ve used many trading platforms and generally the price I set my limit at is the price I buy, that or better usually. Though there or some cases with spread/slippage where this isn’t the case, but those are RARE.

Absolutely no reason why this shouldn’t have been added on release, and for that reason you’ve lost my custom since then, all trading I do now goes to Degiro, Freetrade is just another savings account for me. It has a nice UI I guess.

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:100: Percent agree to the previous comment, this is one of the basic feature along with price alerts ended for any platform and should be prioritised than anything else.

This is also one of the reason I hold other accounts, because not everybody got time to buy/sell based on the current price

@Freetrade_Team any update on this please?

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@adam Hi Adam,

Any ideas on timeframes for this please?


They’re beta testing the plus accounts in house atm, so it can’t be long.

Drivewealth are the clearing house not the FX provider, please stop this madness.


You would never have to watch the market again :joy: a nice bot that buys low and sells high.

I bet those big city slickers have some real shady tricks :wink:

Does anyone know why Limit Orders don’t work on European Stocks?

Hey @SpaceTrader - I’m one of the Product Managers that worked on our European trading product. The app currently doesn’t support Limit Orders on European stocks. Although I’m confident this is something we’ll offer in the future, we aren’t actively working on this feature.

If you have any other feedback on the flow we would love to hear it :slight_smile:


Thank you for the reply. @LouisSutton

As someone who uses the Limit Buy / Sell features so I can leave it on autopilot, I cannot wait for it! Hopefully soon.

Hi @LouisSutton

If that is your dog we simply have to have more pictures … Animals of Freetrade. 🐾 🐠 🦅

Good idea! @NeilB

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Hi everyone :wave:

Opening up this original request thread (which had over 300 votes!) as the official limit orders megathread.

Also sharing an update today that Feature update that Plus members can now set up to 10 limit orders on a stock, up from two previously.

Here’s an explainer/refresher of why they might be useful:

Capital at risk


I’m more concerned as to why FT is focusing on fringe product features like this… :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I supposed it doesn’t help there’s no CTO or CPO anymore…

Now available on Freetrade Standard :sparkles:

Hey @toms, there is a lot in progress right now, and the change from two to 10 limit orders per stock was relatively straightforward for us to make, and something we’d received feedback on.

Let us know what else you’d like to see on your app!

P.S. please meet @JamesBell, Head of Product :wink: