Money-weighted rate of return (MWRR) 📈

I suspect they probably meant next few working days, so I’d give it till the end of the week

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Once we can set the date, does setting the cumulative value for Jan 2019 to Jan 2020 equal the annual rate of return?

If you truly want to overtake the likes of trading 212 all you need to do is either sell units,warrants or options otherwise you will always be in their shadows

I don’t agree at all. It’s meant to be a simple product to encourage ‘normal’ people to invest. If you fancy yourself as a day trader you need a Bloomberg terminal - not T212.


Or may be just check ISA availability correctly or manage stock splits correctly instead of informing customers about problems at a several days notice with ‘a take it or leave it approach’ (the approach taken by the mentioned brokerage). The list goes on.

There is a place for more than one challenger broker in the market. Strong completion is great for every investor. Consumers will be better off if >1 challenger broker succeeds.

Otherwise, there will be a monopoly and investors will get a worse value proposition in the long term.


Should be around 50% of users who have it now, and everyone else in the next few days.


Allow me to add, for the sake of the benefits of competition:
May the incumbents also remain successfully in business for decades to come


You don’t need to be a day trader to trade.units

Are you sure? At 21:03 on 14 September as I write the last update I have is 20:28 Friday 11 September.

I know it says on the insights page FT are working on altering it to be since the start of our FT journey, but it would be nice if we were able to adjust the time frames on the calculation manually i.e- setting it for the past month or other timeframes that the user desires. I assume this will likely be worked on for future iterations of the feature, but nonetheless it is a welcome extra feature to the app.


Mine now says last updated 20:33 yesterday so its keeping up. I agree it will be better when its backdated and if we can change the window.

My money-weight rate of return is negative, but the Portfolio tab shows that in “absolute terms” the balance is up since I began investing… why is that ?

Did you begin investing before March 2020? I believe the performance goes back to March when all customers went onto the new Invest platform, so your performance overall may be positive, but since march you’ve made a loss.


I had access to this since this morning but it has now disappeared with the latest update

I agree totally, and have been requesting this for some time now…

What calculation do you want to see

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This might be a stupid question but will this include dividend payments received.

It’s cash flow based, so yes.


I still don’t have access to this after updating :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
