Money-weighted rate of return (MWRR) 📈

Just landed on my app (android ft version 1.0.12044)!

This has been activated for 100% of customers, you should all see it now or this evening.

Enjoy, and let us know what you think!


Does it require another update? Still not showing?

Android 1.0.12411

Latest version of the app should do it, yes, it may take another hour or two

Okay, thanks, I’ll have a cup of tea and be patient. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


got it :smiling_imp:


Really looking forward to this but it’s not in my app yet. Latest version on play store says 1.0.12044

I had the same issue, and simply uninstalled the app and installed it back again. Maybe it works for you too!

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Cheers that’s sorted it :+1:

Shows up in my app now - nice addition. However, when you open the MWRR page I find it a bit pointless / underwhelming. I was expecting more information.


Thanks SebReitz

You might also need to force-close and re-open the app to refresh the feature flags on your account.

My MWRR has dropped substantially leading me to think there is an error. I can’t seem to connect to the in-app support to raise this so posting here

Noticed a similar drop but see that the date is from 28 Aug 2020 and not the previous 02 March 2020 date


oh yeah mine is the same

Mine says “Since you began investing”. but is still wrong

Currently the data shown is actually for the last month, the default timeframe was changed to a month by mistake.

@alexc-at-freetrade is hot on the case.


it would be great if we could select our own time-frames :open_mouth:

Well, there’s a reason there’s a timeframe to be accidentally changed :wink:


States that will be added soon on the Info Button on the page