First time blogger and have decided to blog my investment journey.
Apologies for the very basic look, but I have never used WordPress before.
Hope you can take look and post any comments
First time blogger and have decided to blog my investment journey.
Apologies for the very basic look, but I have never used WordPress before.
Hope you can take look and post any comments
This kind of thing is definitely in demand as more people have access to investing.
Looking forward to updates
No idea how i can setup a notification system so you get alerts when I post!
Nice, I’ll keep reading it.
As you are using Freetrade, feel free to link us if you don’t mind (but no pressure to do so).
There are plenty of nice free templates out there for WordPress whenever you’ll have time to make it look more dazzling.
I hope Freetrade admins do not mind me posting updates.
But here is an update: http://yellowinvestor.yellowsforum.co.uk/wordpress/
Just read through your blog, I think writing down your investment thoughts is definitely good as it makes you think more about what you’re doing.
My question is do you have an investment goal or timeline, because that might affect how you invest?
I’m looking pretty long term, personally, 10+ years so I’m mainly looking at investements that I think will do well over that timeframe.
Yes, a good point. Like anything, circumstances change.
But my goals are mixed. I am looking for dividend payments so i can re-invest, but also some 5-10 year investments.
A new blog, with some tools i use:
You have some big yielders in your portfolio.
If you keep dripping your money in for the long term you should have a nice snowball of compounding.
New update: upcoming dividend news + some thoughts on my stocks. http://yellowinvestor.yellowsforum.co.uk/wordpress/
Please comment on the page if you have any thoughts.
New update for my portfolio, a better week last week
Congrats. Recommend reading “Money: Master The Game” by TRobbins — it was written post-2008 to share the wisdom of the 0.01% as most folks never got the share of the 0% loans from the central banks. Knowing the rules of the game is a great step to getting more knowledgable, even if you don’t agree with the author, he can be polarizing:
Despite the negative parts in that review (good for balance), psychology and story-telling is what gets people engaged in his teachings. He had access to Ray Dalio and Carl Icahn—why not share what they had to say with the normal folks. I am not 100% agreeing with either Icahn or Buffett but they have some good lessons and we should learn from their mistakes.
Snippets from the review:
Chapter Two, Step Two is about knowing the rules before you get in the game. According to Robbins, there are nine investing myths that have been sold to us over the years.
Myth One is financial entertainment, commercials, and fancy investing brochures, promise that if we invest with mutual fund X, you will beat the market. But 96% of actively managed mutual funds don’t beat the market over a sustained period.
Myth Two is that the fees you pay for these funds are a small price to pay for the significant returns you are sure to have. But high fees will eat into your savings to the tune of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.
Myth Three is that when it comes to returns, what you see is what you get meaning that not only is past performance not a guarantee of future results but the past performance numbers themselves can be misleading.
Myth Four is that your broker has your best interests in mind when recommending products to you. They don’t, for that, you need a fiduciary.
Myth Five is that a 401k is all you need to retire. Robbins advocates also having a Roth IRA because of the tax benefits.
Myth Six is about target date funds. Some investors are under the impression that they will be able to retire when the target date of the fund arrives. The date is not meant to be a plan to help you reach your goal but merely an asset allocation that should lower your risk level the closer you get to retirement.
Myth Seven is that we should avoid annuities and that a strategy using stocks and bonds is better for long-term growth and security.
Myth Eight is that you have to take significant risks to get significant gains.
Myth Nine covers the lies we tell ourselves, that money is beyond our control, or those who are successful at it are different than us, they have some knowledge or abilities that we can’t access or don’t have.
There is a lot of great information in this chapter including an exhaustive list of the fees you might find in mutual funds and just how devastating they can be to your investments. But holy cow , does he belabor each point until you’re just begging for each section to get to the point.
Chapter Six, Step Six is investing like the .001%. This chapter is a series of interviews with the names Tony has been dropping like it’s hot all through this book; Carl Icahn, John Bogle, and Warren Buffett among others.
There are four common themes:
-Don’t lose
-Risk a little to make a lot
-Anticipate and diversify
-You’re never done
Chapter Seven, Step Seven is just do it, enjoy it, share it! Exclamation point Robbins’, not mine. I do applaud his restraint in using just the one because I’m sure it was painful. Or maybe he used eight, but the editor took out seven.
If Tony was holding back on the kind of psychology and positive thinking and all that stuff people make fun of him for (he wasn’t), he really let himself off the leash in the final chapter. And again, I’m not sure how this can be construed as a Step.
He does make some good points, that money can buy us happiness when we use it to help others or when we buy experiences rather than things. That it’s important to look after your physical health because all the money in the world doesn’t matter and can’t help you if you are a physical wreck.
Reading this book at the moment and have taken steps to sell most of my managed investment trusts. Tied in nicely to seeing the fees displayed on FT’s new cost information.
Now looking into implementing the all weather portfolio.