Liking the landing page!
Snack choice or something technical I don’t know?
In the Alpha pricing is the bank transfers out (same day) at £5 a mistake ? Before it was free on Alpha pricing.
I know I’m awkward still being on the iPhone 5s but it doesn’t quite all fit on my screen
Surprised to see that UK instant trades will not be free for Alpha?!?
They never were, always listed as having a charge
It’ll be because UK trades cost more per trade than US trades. The UK market is a bit behind in that respect.
As far as I recall, Alpha never did include free UK trades except for founding members.
Does Alpha include free UK trades for founding members in r3? That’s a nice surprise if so.
Never heard about it. Clarification from Freetrade would be great but as far as I am concerned, it is “Free Alpha for life”, not free UK trades.
Here’s the list of rewards that investors in each round earned -
Thanks for reporting the error. It should be fixed now